Aussie NBA Blog - looking for help

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Mar 14, 2008
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Detroit Pistons
Hi all. I'm a fairly infrequent poster here, but have been a member for a little while. I run a blog called NBAMate which is an NBA blog with an Aussie twist. I'm posting here because I'm looking for help.

I started this blog a few years back as a hobby, because I like the NBA and I liked writing about it. It has now grown into something a lot more than that. It is growing in hits and exposure across the net, and the Aussie contingent in the NBA is steadily growing too (we have 4 players now!!!).

Basically I'm looking for someone(s) to help me out with the site, preferably as a writer, but it could be anything really (i.e. finding info, doing artwork). Someone who is passionately Aussie (don't mean to discriminate, but we're an Aussie site after all), passionate about basketball and the NBA, and someone who has an opinion on things. Ideally I'm looking for someone who has some writing experience, but it's not a necessity.

If you're interested or you have any questions, please email me at robd(at)

I'm really not here to blow my own horn. I really want to expand the NBAMate team and I want Aussie writers, and I know BigFooty has a pretty big NBA community here. If you think you know anyone else outside of BigFooty that would be interested, please let me know.

I must stress, this is not a paid job (at least at this point). But as anyone who's run a blog/website/forum knows, it's not all about the money. Perfect example of that is earlier in the year we were officially approved by the NBA as "international media", which means I got locker room passes and media access when I was in the US in April/May. Not too shabby.

To give you an idea of the size/history of the site, we've had links from ESPN (TrueHoop), Fan House, Sports Illustrated, Ball Don't Lie (a bunch of times), New York Times and literally hundreds of other NBA blogs (and trust me, there are hundreds out there). To give you a flavour, here is an AFL/NBA piece from a couple of years back, and we did a piece on Danny Granger that indirectly ended up in Slam Magazine.

If you haven't seen the site before, I hope you get the chance to check it out. And if you're not officially expressing any interest in helping out, I'd still love to hear any feedback/ideas people have about the site.

Thanks for your time.
Go Pistons.
Not sure if I have the skills to write for you (I have my own (failed) NBA blog... You gotta replace the *** with the real letters), but I have bookmarked the crap out of the site. That Granger piece was art. Top shelf my man.
Blog looks good, though prepared to be hammered once people spot Sasha Vujacic in your celebrity square bit in the banner. ;)

I'm flat out for the next month or so, but if you still need content after a month, I'd be happy to provide periodic articles. Will hit you up on email with sample piece etc at that time.

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Thanks a lot for the replies guys, and thanks to the people who emailed me.

Love the idea of team-specific stuff. I'm thinking of a doing a profile on each team written by an Aussie fan, with a bunch of questions around why you follow the team, how you follow them, etc. Will keep you posted.

@Vegas, love the site (especially the name!). You're not planning to update it anymore? I love Paul Pierce as much as any non-Celtics fan could. Might hit you up with an idea I have for a piece on The Truth. Will also keep you in mind for the Celtics team profile.

@mdc, I might take you up on that offer! shoot me an email when you get a chance. and Sasha will hopefully have disappeared by then (he's being voted out now as we speak)

@peternorth, let me know if you have any ideas about 'semi serious stuff' you'd like to write about... sounds intriguing. and serious

@DoubleA, will keep you in mind for the Hornets profile. thanks!
Yeah I will probably keep it going to see if I can get some interest happening this season, but I just found it so hard to generate views that weren't spam! Also, while the name of the site is a massive winner, it's hard to provide links (exhibit A, this thread) which I'm sure doesn't help the traffic.

Funny, your little bit on Pierce is almost identical to what I wrote about the same game (5) on, he surely is an amazing man.

Anyway, I'd definitely be interested to do some stuff for your site which seems to already have a growing readership, so let me know.
Do you need an article about how deep the Magic are of how Ryan Anderson is beautiful?

On a serious note, yeah if you require a hand every now and then I'd be happy.

Just make sure you don't let me write about LeBron or your site will get hate mail.....and crabs.

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Aussie NBA Blog - looking for help

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