Most recently Melbourne had no issues when winning the premiership, start loosing games and all of a sudden everything comes to light.“Culture” is one of the most overrated buzzwords in ever in footy. You win = good culture. You lose = bad culture.
Besides the eagles in 2006 this has been the way for over 20 years. Ffs Luke Hodge drove after drinking and played the next week, no one seems to question that.
I don't know If it's as simple as winning is viewed as good culture and losing is due to poor culture.
Personally I feel winning glorifies behaviour in the minds of most fans and the media leaving room for reports about boys having fun and enjoying football but as the loses start to build it turns quickly to blaming onfield failings on the very behaviour that was once seen has harmless fun and boys blowing off steam or buried completely.
There have been many examples in the last 20 year.
Fevola, Eagles mid 00's, Hawks dynasty, Pies, Geelong, Melbourne early 20's.
Media recipe for a story
Bad acts + good football = larrikin
Bad acts + bad football = trainwreck/views
Good acts + bad football = irrelevant
Good acts + good football = no story
The way most journalists switch people between all four categories (sometimes on a weekly basis) is both lazy and impressive in that the wider footy public eat it up on repeat.