Wacky Tiger
Hi All,
Its come to that time of the year again where we look forward to season 2019 and part of that is our commitment to player sponsorships.
Firstly thanks Sterge for sorting it out last year, As im finding there is a fair bit that goes into it so please be patient and if you have any issues please let me know and i'll try find out the answers for you.
So last year we raised enough funds to sponsor Bachar Houli, Connor Menadue and Kamydn McIntosh. We have the opportunity again this year to continue with those sponsorship's, possibly change the players that we wish to sponsor or even add or subtract players.
As per previous years the price per player sponsorship is set at $1750 per player but the club has again looked after us for our continued support and kept the price at a reduced $1250 per player.
Included in the packages are the following
As with previous seasons with multiple people pledging their support there will be raffles to win tickets to events and merchandise and what not.
At this stage, we're just looking for pledges and expressions of interest from anyone who wants to participate again for 2018. Last year each share price was set at $50 so unless there's any major objections, we'll keep that the same.
If making a pledge, please be sure to mention how much you'd like to contribute.
For sponsoring, you will receive the following (refer to under my name for examples of badges):
Option 2) Player Sponsor BBQ and Private Training session
Option 4) Player Sponsor Signed 2018 Richmond Guernsey
Note: I'm waiting to hear back from the club on the function dates and will advise in due course.
In addition, BigFooty provides the following to anyone that contributes towards their boards player sponsorships (refer here for details on these memberships):
Prize Raffle Explanation
In previous years we've just put everyone against every prize unless they've said otherwise. This hasn't really turned out to be practical as many people found it hard to attend the functions. By having raffle tickets this allows people to put their name into the prizes they want. Basically we want to ensure a fair and even distribution of prizes.
To nominate your options you'll need to tell myself once you make your bank transfer for the player sponsorship. The options can be in any combination. For example if you had three sponsorships shares ($150) then you would have 6 tickets. You could allocate 2 to the Dinner, 1 to the BBQ & Tour and 3 to the Guernsey. If you don't care about the guernsey, or figure more people will go for the guernsey, then you might put 2 tickets in each of the functions. The intention of providing the dates is so you can confirm in advance if you can attend.
Payment (IMPORTANT: Don't send any yet - need to determine if we have enough interest across the board first. If/Once we have enough interest/pledges, we will then start the collection).
If you don't have the bank account details we use already (it's the same as previous years) then send Michaels and/or myself a PM and we will provide it.Please make sure you enter your BigFooty account name as the deposit description so we know it's from you.
If you have any questions or part of the above needs further explanation, just ask. Feel free to share your own experiences to help others make up their mind as well.
For anyone new wishing to join in heres a bit a testamonial from a poster whos had an enjoyable experience through winning a raffle
Fortunate enough to get a guernsey at the sponsors dinner held at the Albert Park Pavilion. A great evening for all in attendance with Jack and Alex MC' ing. Hilarity aplenty when several of the players played the "Guess what I'm saying with a mouth retractor in place game?". I don't think there was a dry eye in the room for this.
Seated at our table was Ivan Soldo, who was extremely generous with his time in chatting with everyone. Dinner was very enjoyable and the drinks flowed as the night continued. We each had our photo taken with our allocated player. Then following dessert and more stage antics everyone was free to roam the room and mingle with the players who were all very accommodating. I had a great night and would highly recommend going along if the opportunity arises
If anyone else has some nice stories from players sponsorship's feel free to share.
So if you have any questions please feel free to ask.
Thanks on behalf of the Richmond Mod team
_Cayz_ Michaels prodigy Wacky Tiger
Update on upcoming events
Player Sponsorship Meet and Greet: This event will be exclusive for player sponsors only. This ensures more one on one time can be spent with your sponsored player. Details regarding the activity and an invite will be communicated shortly.
Its come to that time of the year again where we look forward to season 2019 and part of that is our commitment to player sponsorships.
Firstly thanks Sterge for sorting it out last year, As im finding there is a fair bit that goes into it so please be patient and if you have any issues please let me know and i'll try find out the answers for you.
So last year we raised enough funds to sponsor Bachar Houli, Connor Menadue and Kamydn McIntosh. We have the opportunity again this year to continue with those sponsorship's, possibly change the players that we wish to sponsor or even add or subtract players.
As per previous years the price per player sponsorship is set at $1750 per player but the club has again looked after us for our continued support and kept the price at a reduced $1250 per player.
Included in the packages are the following
- Be one of ten personal sponsors of a member of the 2019 Richmond playing group
- One invitation to a pre-season meet and greet event with the 2019 Richmond playing group
- One invitation to the annual Player Sponsor Dinner
- NEW One invitation to an exclusive football analysis presenation at Richmond Football Club
- Signed guernsey by your sponsored player
- A digital copy of your photo with your sponsored player
- Your personal or business name displayed in the players facilities at Punt Rd Oval
- NEW Personalised Player Sponsor membership card
- Player Sponsor medallion
As with previous seasons with multiple people pledging their support there will be raffles to win tickets to events and merchandise and what not.
At this stage, we're just looking for pledges and expressions of interest from anyone who wants to participate again for 2018. Last year each share price was set at $50 so unless there's any major objections, we'll keep that the same.
If making a pledge, please be sure to mention how much you'd like to contribute.
For sponsoring, you will receive the following (refer to under my name for examples of badges):
- A 2019 Player Sponsor Badge
- 1x Player Badge (of your choice from our sponsored players) per $50 share
- 2x Raffle Tickets per $50 share that can be allocated in any combination towards the following prizes (I'll explain this further below): (The below may be subject to change)
Option 2) Player Sponsor BBQ and Private Training session
Option 4) Player Sponsor Signed 2018 Richmond Guernsey
Note: I'm waiting to hear back from the club on the function dates and will advise in due course.
In addition, BigFooty provides the following to anyone that contributes towards their boards player sponsorships (refer here for details on these memberships):
- $50 contributions - BigFooty Gold
- $100+ contributes - BigFooty Platinum
Prize Raffle Explanation
In previous years we've just put everyone against every prize unless they've said otherwise. This hasn't really turned out to be practical as many people found it hard to attend the functions. By having raffle tickets this allows people to put their name into the prizes they want. Basically we want to ensure a fair and even distribution of prizes.
To nominate your options you'll need to tell myself once you make your bank transfer for the player sponsorship. The options can be in any combination. For example if you had three sponsorships shares ($150) then you would have 6 tickets. You could allocate 2 to the Dinner, 1 to the BBQ & Tour and 3 to the Guernsey. If you don't care about the guernsey, or figure more people will go for the guernsey, then you might put 2 tickets in each of the functions. The intention of providing the dates is so you can confirm in advance if you can attend.
Payment (IMPORTANT: Don't send any yet - need to determine if we have enough interest across the board first. If/Once we have enough interest/pledges, we will then start the collection).
If you don't have the bank account details we use already (it's the same as previous years) then send Michaels and/or myself a PM and we will provide it.Please make sure you enter your BigFooty account name as the deposit description so we know it's from you.
If you have any questions or part of the above needs further explanation, just ask. Feel free to share your own experiences to help others make up their mind as well.
For anyone new wishing to join in heres a bit a testamonial from a poster whos had an enjoyable experience through winning a raffle
Fortunate enough to get a guernsey at the sponsors dinner held at the Albert Park Pavilion. A great evening for all in attendance with Jack and Alex MC' ing. Hilarity aplenty when several of the players played the "Guess what I'm saying with a mouth retractor in place game?". I don't think there was a dry eye in the room for this.
Seated at our table was Ivan Soldo, who was extremely generous with his time in chatting with everyone. Dinner was very enjoyable and the drinks flowed as the night continued. We each had our photo taken with our allocated player. Then following dessert and more stage antics everyone was free to roam the room and mingle with the players who were all very accommodating. I had a great night and would highly recommend going along if the opportunity arises
If anyone else has some nice stories from players sponsorship's feel free to share.
So if you have any questions please feel free to ask.
Thanks on behalf of the Richmond Mod team
_Cayz_ Michaels prodigy Wacky Tiger
Update on upcoming events
Player Sponsorship Meet and Greet: This event will be exclusive for player sponsors only. This ensures more one on one time can be spent with your sponsored player. Details regarding the activity and an invite will be communicated shortly.
- When: Tuesday April 30th (Evening)
- Location: To be confirmed
- When: Friday June 21st from 6PM
- Location: To be confirmed
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