dumb idea

  1. K

    What rule would you Add/Remove/Change to improve the game?

    I feel like the game is relatively good to watch at the moment. I'd rather see elite runners breaking tackles than watch 80s vision of bombs to a 1 on 1 in the forward 50 all day. But I think the game could be improved. For me, I'd change this: 1. 50m penalty for any player who sits on, holds...

    Media TJ's Think Tank 1: Are the Hawks becoming the new Gumbies?

    Oh hi gang, it's your old pal TJASTA back at it again with a original thread idea. While in this week match thread against one of the my favourite banter opponent, the Hawks, it came to my attention that it felt quite similar to last weeks thread against the Gumbies. You have flogs targeting the...