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  1. Teen Wolf

    FTA-TV Survivor 40 (Winners at War)

    What an incredibly stupid problem. His history is telling jokes, it doesn't need to be acknowledged. Dan's history is touching people repeatedly, even after being asked to stop. Only one of those things will ever get you pulled from the game. And any viewer that can't figure out why, I'm...
  2. Teen Wolf

    FTA-TV Survivor 40 (Winners at War)

    And anybody who thinks that was because of time taken up by an extended family visit sequence... is completely wrong. But I'm just repeating myself now.
  3. Teen Wolf

    FTA-TV Survivor 40 (Winners at War)

    No crucial gameplay is being omitted from the show due to time restrictions. This season was always going to be about feeding into the narrative that Survivor has ascended to a faster-paced game with a more sophisticated level of strategy. For that to happen, a lot of elucidating material has...
  4. Teen Wolf

    FTA-TV Survivor 40 (Winners at War)

    It would be very hard for a 16yo to win Survivor. They can't even vote! But seriously, get to the end with two other young bimbos and the jury still has to give the money to one of them (see: season 21, which sounds like the inspiration for this ill-conceived potential season 41 theme). Even...
  5. Teen Wolf

    FTA-TV Survivor 40 (Winners at War)

    And then immediately broke it by planning to do season 4 in Jordan? Fortunately they have these things in the United States called rivers, Brazil and Guatemala have similar but it's called a "rio" there, so water probably won't be a huge factor in determining the next filming location either way.
  6. Teen Wolf

    FTA-TV Survivor 40 (Winners at War)

    Satisfying season. For me, just the morsels of Yul alone outweighed the War's flaws. Memorable Adam, Denise and Ethan moments also made it a worthwhile trip, as well as a great winner of course. Best tribal council/closing music the show has ever had too. Haven't read all the comments yet, so...
  7. Teen Wolf

    Movie Your Top Ten Films of the Decade

    I'm just gonna do a top 5. 1. Under the Silver Lake: I felt this obsessive compulsive attempt to fuse '50s Hitchcock with '90s Fincher was aimed directly at me (and about me, knowing the movie's conspiracy theory fixation is purely a backdrop by which to critique the modern-day everyman who...
  8. Teen Wolf

    FTA-TV Survivor Season 39: Island of the Idols

    What a cop out. Anybody who sincerely feels that way about the show is letting themselves down by tuning in next season.
  9. Teen Wolf

    FTA-TV Survivor Season 39: Island of the Idols

    From a historically unlosable position Dean managed two whole jury votes, justifying the bimbo persona assigned to him. To be fair, he only fell into that fire-making position because of an uninformed decision made by the most oblivious finalist ever in Noura. At least they both owned their...
  10. Teen Wolf

    FTA-TV Survivor Season 39: Island of the Idols

    Farewell Dan, you were gross regardless of the sweating and touching. Vagueness surrounding the final straw doesn't bother me. We saw him being sleazy, we were then told he was given a warning (which is the key part, after that there's no room for benefit of the doubt, even for an incident which...
  11. Teen Wolf

    FTA-TV Survivor Season 39: Island of the Idols

    Seems like a fairly common view, one held by the types who are first to cry "bitter jury" when people cast votes via emotion, I bet. In a deception-based social game environment, how are Missy and Elizabeth (and Aaron etc) supposed to know when Kellee is and isn't playing them? Shouldn't they...
  12. Teen Wolf

    FTA-TV Survivor Season 39: Island of the Idols

    Well you're wrong (so shhhuuuut up!), is all I'm saying. But seriously, did you miss all the seasons in which tribes were based on race, class, gender and/or age? What do you think that was about.
  13. Teen Wolf

    FTA-TV Survivor Season 39: Island of the Idols

    Disagree, personally think this season is hitting 'em with the Hein. You must've been watching a different show to me for 20 years, Survivor is inherently built around identity politics. As I alluded to on a previous page, re/watch some classic seasons and you'll likely find the same social...
  14. Teen Wolf

    FTA-TV Survivor Season 39: Island of the Idols

    How does she get to the end with those two, though. Can't make a fire or win immunity. If Dan has the necklace at final 4, why wouldn't he take Noura to instant top 3. If Noura has the necklace, maybe she'd take Karishma, but Dan would sweat all over his flint and lose the firemaking challenge...
  15. Teen Wolf

    FTA-TV Survivor Season 39: Island of the Idols

    I was wondering all season long why/if Missy's dummyspits after losing challenges were being purposefully included, and I think tonight's episode answered that. In a strange way, it's a good thing for her ego to get voted out at this point. She could barely handle being called a bully by...
  16. Teen Wolf

    FTA-TV Survivor Season 39: Island of the Idols

    I think it was one of the show's best ever attempts at demonstrating the tightrope of game vs reality. Basically a complete opposite to the Varner disgrace for me. His calculated and vindictive actions were never going to help further his cause, Survivor equivalent of a loser flipping over the...
  17. Teen Wolf

    FTA-TV Survivor Season 39: Island of the Idols

    Ye of so little faith in the Oath! For all the twists in the show's history, they would have to charter entirely new waters here to backflip on the clearly stated "no voting, no competing" pledge. Sandra and Rob have collectively convinced 23* bitter losers to give them a million dollars. If...
  18. Teen Wolf

    FTA-TV Survivor Season 39: Island of the Idols

    Once again, everything Jamal does is wrong. It's uncanny. Just because there's merit in suspecting a women's alliance, doesn't mean you oughtta blurt it out at tribal council. Twist that knife later by suggesting it on the down-low to somebody like Aaron. Janet and co. reacted perfectly: deny...
  19. Teen Wolf

    FTA-TV Survivor Season 39: Island of the Idols

    I thought Jack apologised for making a dumb comment, by choice rather than having to. But your interpretation of what happened illustrates why Jamal took a huge risk in broaching the subject at all. You just never know how people will react to this stuff. Could've easily ended in Jack thinking...
  20. Teen Wolf

    FTA-TV Survivor Season 39: Island of the Idols

    So many times I thought things were starting to head south in this episode, and then suddenly there was always a really surprising and satisfying pay-off. Jamal the obvious example, I liked how he ended up putting so much stock in an apology. Nevertheless he remains too self-absorbed to be any...
  21. Teen Wolf

    FTA-TV Survivor Season 39: Island of the Idols

    Soawh Tawm ehh, what a complete bust. Barely looked interested in the game, had nothing to say, hopeless in the challenges for a former pro athlete too (sure he’s old but you’d think he could rally the troops and make good decisions under pressure). Seems like a nice guy, though. We got Elaine...
  22. Teen Wolf

    FTA-TV Survivor Season 39: Island of the Idols

    Seeing people make fools of themselves on this show will never get old for me. Chelsea either thought the topic of conversation at tribal council was all for show, or that Plan Z actually involved "blindsiding" the most obvious target! Interesting how Vokai can hear a boat off in the distance...
  23. Teen Wolf

    FTA-TV Survivor Season 39: Island of the Idols

    Orange curse starting to take hold? Felt like a very strong "Lairo is a hopeless tribe" episode to me, Ulong-esque in the way they're physically stronger but totally lack leadership and cooperation. Even the core alliance is looking extremely volatile with the way Karishma is openly talking so...
  24. Teen Wolf

    FTA-TV Survivor Season 39: Island of the Idols

    As rumour and speculation continues to mount, this excerpt from an interview with Jeff remains incontrovertible: So I think it's safe to say Matt van Wagenen isn't off screen making Elizabeth or Kellee...
  25. Teen Wolf

    FTA-TV Survivor Season 39: Island of the Idols

    Much rather the 10-minute IoI segment, where you get to know one of the contestants better, than a separate challenge for spices. Every idol found by accident is gonna feel rushed, I doubt there was anything else to show. Should've been less time allocated to it (i.e. none, beats me why they're...
  26. Teen Wolf

    FTA-TV Survivor Season 39: Island of the Idols

    The first vote is usually so fickle, the most as-long-as-it-ain't-me in any given season. Not knowing what people have been saying back at camp, and not having any strong reason to feel secure in an alliance, I can understand Elizabeth's reluctance to announce her internship with the oracles...
  27. Teen Wolf

    FTA-TV Survivor Season 39: Island of the Idols

    And one other thing, the advice every player needs even before learning how to make fire: NEVER be the loudest person throwing out names or plans in a group setting.
  28. Teen Wolf

    FTA-TV Survivor Season 39: Island of the Idols

    Good start to Better Ghost Island, after the disappointment of Worse Redemption Island last season. Refreshingly efficient use of 90 minutes, too. Anybody got a gif of Elaine sprinting or am I gonna have to make one? They've been spending a lot of years figuring out how to bring in new players...
  29. Teen Wolf

    FTA-TV Australian Survivor - Part 2

    Janine is not the kind of person I'd want to have sitting on the jury for a week, unless I was the only one left in the game who didn't vote her out... Struggling to see how this was a good decision by Luke and Abbey.
  30. Teen Wolf

    FTA-TV Australian Survivor - Part 2

    Just to follow up on delayed idol reveals, it also happened with A.K. a couple Aus Survivor seasons ago.