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  1. GreyCrow

    Poll: Will you willingly get a Covid vaccine in the next year or so?

    But they dont. And this is not a vax response but a general comment . I made a similar argument and my mate pointed out that smokers and obese people still get the same right of access to a hospital bed For me its always been about hospital beds and ROI - I'm annoyed this pandemic hasnt...
  2. GreyCrow

    Poll: Will you willingly get a Covid vaccine in the next year or so?

    Dont tell the barmaid you have an admirer
  3. GreyCrow

    Poll: Will you willingly get a Covid vaccine in the next year or so?

    Woah wall of text On the under 12 Vax argument - I would think the priority would be those over 12 and could argue over 18 But if you want your children vaccinated then do so - to me its about dose number availability rather than any moral or anti-vax argument
  4. GreyCrow

    Poll: Will you willingly get a Covid vaccine in the next year or so?

    Sounds like a Libra ad
  5. GreyCrow

    Poll: Will you willingly get a Covid vaccine in the next year or so?

    WA maybe but SA has had 1 x 2 day lockdown Unlike Melbourne
  6. GreyCrow

    Poll: Will you willingly get a Covid vaccine in the next year or so?

    Question prompted by the Nick Martin case in WA - WA police used covid check ins (illegally?) to determine witness contacts Have those who have been vaccinated get a piece of paper saying you have?
  7. GreyCrow

    Poll: Will you willingly get a Covid vaccine in the next year or so?

    My mate gets his AZ today and in 12 weeks. Will follow his progress with interest
  8. GreyCrow

    Poll: Will you willingly get a Covid vaccine in the next year or so?

    I have thought long and hard about this and I am aware of both sides of the story and see merit in both But for now I won't be getting a jab even though my risk assessment might be high While we currently enjoy low to zero numbers I don't see a need for me to get it . Let others get it before me