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  1. Tiger_Of_Old

    Burton and Broad tackles

    Broad will get 4 Clean record discount 3.
  2. Tiger_Of_Old

    Certified Legendary Thread Patrick Cripps and Ah Chee

    Played too many senior games I think.
  3. Tiger_Of_Old

    Umpiring Free kicks & free kick ladders

    I thought your name only affects your eyesight. Obviously not.
  4. Tiger_Of_Old

    How many weeks for Mackay?

    It'll be a sad day if he gets suspended. Football is a contact sport and incidents like this will occur.Just the nature of our game. 2 blokes with intentions on going for the ball.Not one going for the ball and the other the player but both going for the ball.
  5. Tiger_Of_Old

    Steven Hocking Conflict of Interest

    I have no issue if the entire Richmond Board take over the corrupt AFL Board. About time football was handed back to real football people.
  6. Tiger_Of_Old

    MRP / Trib. Paddy McCartin hit on Aaron Black

    Really? Didn't know that
  7. Tiger_Of_Old

    MRP / Trib. Paddy McCartin hit on Aaron Black

    That itself should get him banned on any sporting field. What guarantee could he give it won't happen again. For the sake of a few weeks less he has put other diabetic sports people's sporting lives in jeopardy. What a selfish turd.
  8. Tiger_Of_Old

    Toby Greene hit on Conca

    That many?
  9. Tiger_Of_Old

    Dylan Grimes and diving - Why the AFL needs to act

    Thankfully for the rest of the comp his son didn't follow in his thugs footsteps.
  10. Tiger_Of_Old

    Dylan Grimes and diving - Why the AFL needs to act

    Bit rich coming from a dogs supporter.
  11. Tiger_Of_Old

    Dylan Grimes and diving - Why the AFL needs to act

    Thanks for your fake support,But seriously what lengths oppo fans go to too stoke the
  12. Tiger_Of_Old

    Dylan Grimes and diving - Why the AFL needs to act

    History will show a 2 time premiership player(At least).
  13. Tiger_Of_Old

    Dylan Grimes and diving - Why the AFL needs to act

    LoL.Grimes was in a position to spoil Tippa.So why would he stage for a free unless he was pushed?lol
  14. Tiger_Of_Old

    How many weeks for Tom lynch?

    All you'll get is From Oppo flogs.
  15. Tiger_Of_Old

    Match review

    For how long though?
  16. Tiger_Of_Old

    Match review

    Dog act By Greene. Should get 10 weeks.
  17. Tiger_Of_Old


    I rest my case.
  18. Tiger_Of_Old

    Abblet high contact again

    North player to get 6 weeks for headbutting Gazza's forearm.
  19. Tiger_Of_Old

    Missed free kick after siren: changes result of tonight’s game

    I'm all for a captain to go up in that situation and give some encouraging words to his team mate,A pat on the back with a resignated look would have been more appropriate.
  20. Tiger_Of_Old

    Missed free kick after siren: changes result of tonight’s game

    Not wasting my time going through 22 pages of It was a free>>>>No it wasn' :p
  21. Tiger_Of_Old

    Missed free kick after siren: changes result of tonight’s game

    If i was a Bomber i'd be more peeved about your captains reaction straight after the siren.
  22. Tiger_Of_Old

    Will Dangerfield appeal his 2 weeks?

    Did or did not Dangerfield with his swinging actions in both instances have the potential to injure yes or no? Keeping in mind he didn't know De boar had buckled over.
  23. Tiger_Of_Old

    Will Dangerfield appeal his 2 weeks?

    Show me where Potential has been used before last week? If they wanted Potential in its decision making then why wasn't it brought in at the start of the year? As you said an Elbow to the Ribs has the potential to crack a rib yes?
  24. Tiger_Of_Old

    Will Dangerfield appeal his 2 weeks?

    The cornerstone of Dusty's citing was the potential too injure. Lasted a week.
  25. Tiger_Of_Old

    Alex Rance eye gouging

    No retaliation on Poppy's behalf says it all. But let's just continue the typical BF narrative that there actually was something in it because some on here have their heads up their own ass all they see at the end of the day is shit.
  26. Tiger_Of_Old

    Taylor Walker tackle on Josh Kelly

    Wasn't that bad to be honest. Should have stayed with the original decision.
  27. Tiger_Of_Old

    Jeremy Cameron elbow on Harris Andrews

    AFL should make a statement here if they are serious about the look of our game from a parents POV as they have pushed this wheelbarrow for years now with certain rule changes to reflect that. Cameron should get suspended for the duration of the time Andrews is out of the game.
  28. Tiger_Of_Old

    Jeremy Cameron elbow on Harris Andrews

    Only one got an elbow to the head.