In fairness, I could be reading the pre launch BF1 chatter
People canned it saying it wasn't BF4 and 1 still turned out to be popular
I still think BFV will do alright
The same people saying we should chase Hall probably advocated for trading Tyson
I understand they're different players, but equally have deficiencies...
You don't trade for trade sake
Remember last year the media and everyone fapping over Port's trade period?
It's because they were active, but didn't really work out for them did it
Targeted trades for needs > random trading because someone appears to be a bargain
Tyson is contracted as well
Preuss wants out for more opportunity (0 games this year), Tyson wants to move for opportunity in his preferred position (17 games this year)
23 year old vs 25 year old
Fill a need in each team
I think a straight swap is the most reasonable outcome
Also to...
Not sure if they're seen as weird or uncommon, but I always love Hexen and Heretic back in the mid 90s
None of my mates played it, so it was uncommon for me back then
I didn't have much trouble with it on BF1 or BF4 to be honest
Was really evident in the Beta
Hoping to jump on and get into a squad this time
Deploy points were annoying not being in a squad
Had one round on Rotterdam last night
Feels a lot slower than BF1, TTK seems a lot faster
I use Support Class and the TTK with Support weapon was way faster than BF1
Graphics were stunning I thought
Controls a bit buggy, if I switched to limpet mine, I couldn't switch back to main gun unless...
I reckon he's right to an extent. Goldeneye was massively influential on Console FPS with it's ability to split screen MP matches
Halo later influenced Console online MP
My kids were nagging me to play this on the w/end, thought yeah why not
I'd resisted playing cause it didn't seem like my type of game
Ended up kicking the kids off and playing all day - very addictive game
Yeah same there - thought it was meant to be the console to end all consoles and to read it's potentially being ditched next year is rubbish
I thought I read early on in the development of the Scorpio it was to essentially be an upgradable console
I think you may - but not 100%
Only use on Xbox (but i'm pretty sure when I was looking into it, reviews said it needed an adapter for PC)
Could always ask in store
I just bought these and I'm super happy with them
I paid $220 a couple of weeks ago - so very good deal now
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