Opinion INTERNATIONAL Politics: Adelaide Board Discussion Part 5

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This is brilliant. I close my eyes, and this is as close to what a TDS thread group meeting would be like. Even arguing amongst themselves. :rainbow:

I can tell you now that just looking at that crowd there is no way there was 80k+ there.

And it was at near a sideshow park. People walking thru to the beach. Stage managed to be something it actually isn’t. Fake crowd.

Of course it is stage managed. Conveniently placed right near the entrance to a theme park. lol. There is a lot of footage of his rallies being in half empty gyms and halls. This was a deliberate capture by having him appear randomly on a stage at the beach like a side show to capture those walking into the fair ground.

He does it because he knows he can claim fake news on any negative and the media and MAGA fans buy it.
Of course it is stage managed. Conveniently placed right near the entrance to a theme park. lol. There is a lot of footage of his rallies being in half empty gyms and halls. This was a deliberate capture by having him appear randomly on a stage at the beach like a side show to capture those walking into the fair ground.

He does it because he knows he can claim fake news on any negative and the media and MAGA fans buy it.
And claim stolen election. He is so pathetic.
Of course it is stage managed. Conveniently placed right near the entrance to a theme park. lol. There is a lot of footage of his rallies being in half empty gyms and halls. This was a deliberate capture by having him appear randomly on a stage at the beach like a side show to capture those walking into the fair ground.

He does it because he knows he can claim fake news on any negative and the media and MAGA fans buy it.
All AI generated. Even the overflow scenes and cues. Trump can only dream of Biden like rallies.:D:D:D

You do realise a/ your talking out of your arse and b/ you really should try harder to. I mean if you are going to lie, at least do it convincingly. AI generated. LOL.
:eek:It's what is implied by TDS posters. You can't accept what your eyes see. Ill bet you didn't watch the video.
No mention of the death of Iran's hard-line president & foreign minister.

Was it really an accident given how many enemies he had....

They shouldn't have been flying. 40 year old helicopter they can't buy parts for due to sanctions. 5m of visibility due to fog. Flying through a mountain range. A lack of instruments necessary to fly in those conditions.

Apparently that is the 6th Bell they've lost in recent times due to parts shortages.

Weirdly they have newer choppers from russia but chose not to use them.
:eek:It's what is implied by TDS posters. You can't accept what your eyes see. Ill bet you didn't watch the video.

The problem with your statement is that you believe everything with Trump news is fake when its not. And you try and twist it around like Biden is the one with the problem. You know this stuff is fake yet you post it.

The issue is right now, you insult everyones intelligence by posting this crap and frankly its hard to respect you while you do this. Unless you post stuff with hard evidence actually, any evidence at all and is factual, dont bother. Because all I do is think less of you for doing it. Its just trolling with actual provable lies. Everything you post is not only a lie, its already a lie thats been debunked multiple times by multiple sources.

I am asking you, please stop! you are welcome to post pro trump stuff by all means. But this stuff is garbage and you can do better

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The problem with your statement is that you believe everything with Trump news is fake when its not. And you try and twist it around like Biden is the one with the problem. You know this stuff is fake yet you post it.

The issue is right now, you insult everyones intelligence by posting this crap and frankly its hard to respect you while you do this. Unless you post stuff with hard evidence actually, any evidence at all and is factual, dont bother. Because all I do is think less of you for doing it. Its just trolling with actual provable lies. Everything you post is not only a lie, its already a lie thats been debunked multiple times by multiple sources.

I am asking you, please stop! you are welcome to post pro trump stuff by all means. But this stuff is garbage and you can do better
You think the Trump rally estimated size is fake news. The evidence is in the videos posted.
Who are you to say what to post or not?
You think the Trump rally estimated size is fake news. The evidence is in the videos posted.
Who are you to say what to post or not?

I'm only asking you to not treat us with utter disrespect by posting clearly fake information. He has had huge rallies in the past. No one is denying this. But dont insult this boards intelligence. Post factual relevant information. Surely not hard to do is it?
What is hilarious is that EB cares so much about the size of Trump rallies🤣

Because he can show old footage made out to be new footage. Its not his fault, he is just reposting what some other imbecile has posted to back up the lie. If someone made on X posts a fake article about an insider of Domain voting systems admitting to the corruption he'd post that too.

This is what Im asking him to stop. At least debate with some self respect and respect for others on this board.

So I will bite to be fair and respectful. I watched the video. But here is the flaw to the attendance. MAGA is sighting the figures like the event just popped up and 100k turned up.

1. This event was clearly a long time planned.
2. A very long, thin and windy line was already pre emptively installed that was police guarded and escorted the entire way. (this does not happen without prior arrangement)
3. Of those 100,000 tickets how many were invites of maga groups.

In other words its a rent a crowd. Make it seem such a large spontaneous event, pretend it attacts more then it should have because of his overwhelming support. Have over the top commentary from Fox. Funny that.

I feel sorry for the crowd though. I hope they enjoyed listening to him talk about his cognitive abilities. lol
Based on current polling, Trump has a slender lead for the presidency but it is likely the Democrats might hold both the House and the Senate.

If that does eventuate then Trump won’t get anything done. He will be a lame duck President from day one, unlike normally the last two years of a presidency.

National polls are inherently misleading as it very much depends on the location as the popular vote doesn't match the collegiate vote. For instance, if they take a snap pole in every state to create an average, 100 people per state for example, based on 2020 election result that's a 50/50 count. What that also fails to account for is the flaw to polls which is assuming its an average but they could survey 50 people in a heavy republican town in a democratic state such as a rural town in Minnesota near the border of a red state. While it is unlikely you will find the same thing in a republican state unless they surveyed the major cities. As seen on the 2020 election map


As you can see, I think you can take these poll results with a grain of salt. Its not like Australia where 5000 phone call survey is a better guide, 5000 phone calls in the USA is going to be heavily swayed by the location. If the survey simply surveyed the population in every major city in the USA, democrats would be leading in a landslide.

Even in a million phone call survey, you'd get the same results if your locations are off. Remember Collegiate vote is the killer to any random survey more than anything.

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