Who ******* cares why, when or how? That it was done is the most important thing. Nicks has built a strong camaraderie amongst this team that has these fellas wanting to play for us and each other. If they want to show respect to a past captain and legend of our club by not dropping him but moving him to the sub position on game day, so be it! Sloane doesn’t deserve a “you suck just retire” that you would serve him with.
no, it's not. The biggest handicap we have as a club is weak and corporatised underbelly. That we did it by way of weaseling out is a massive problem. Yes, the right decision was made, but if we're that piss weak that we can't confront the obvious head on (for fear of what???), then that speaks to a totally failed culture.
Now, what you need to realise is that ultimately every player that doesn't make the call themself, ie 99%, get served with a private, "you suck, just retire" message. And what near 100% of that 99% have the grace/smarts to do is ensure that the message is delivered privately. It's a results based industry, it's about elite performance, it's a team game and if you're not delivering, you're handicapping at least 21 others. There's no room for your public service mentality, it's eat or get eaten.