Love Khamis on the list. Has kicked several bags at VFL level and AFL level. Played a lot of games last year. Great age, great athletic profile and developing as a weapon of a swing-man. Didn't have the best practice match but confident he will contribute for years.
Yeah but i'm being serious and genuine. He needs someone in his life to point it out to him in a kind manner. I know looks shouldn't be the main driving force of a coaches performance, but you do hope your coach has a bit of lifely competance, and his current appearance reflects the opposite
Dean Cox isn't going to inspire or lead anyone with that abomination of a beard. Either grow out the neck or get rid of it. It's cartoonishly bad and can't be good for the self-esteem. Either let him know about this issue or watch him inevitably fail as coach
This is incredible. They appear to have a different schnoz but uhh.... DNA test, surely?!
Edit: Obviously during the draft interview, Luke said he'll only join if we bring his brother across too, so hence we traded for Matthew.
Ed Richards and Bailey Dale will [emoji638]][emoji640][emoji6[emoji640][emoji637]]][emoji637][emoji6[emoji640][emoji637]][emoji[emoji6[emoji640][emoji638]][emoji640][emoji6[emoji640][emoji638]]][emoji[emoji6[emoji640][emoji638]][emoji640][emoji6[emoji640][emoji637]]]] mobile app
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