Recent content by St 07

  1. St 07

    Game Day Dogs V Roos 7.35 PM Marvel

    Footy is so much better when you don't read these boards. We are going well. calm the **** down. Catcha later
  2. St 07

    Game Day Dogs V Roos 7.35 PM Marvel

    Yeah that's just bullshit. Give the kid some slack. He's clearly fitter/more agile. Some take longer than others.
  3. St 07

    Game Day Dogs V Roos 7.35 PM Marvel

    Lobb either heavily winded (painful) or broken rib (painful and weeks out)
  4. St 07

    Game Day Dogs V Roos 7.35 PM Marvel

    Delist Freijah. Hero status revoked. (joking)
  5. St 07

    Training 2025 Pre Season and Training Reports Thread

    Definitely not. Hold him back a week and lets see if he can help us tear Collingwood to shreds.
  6. St 07

    Prediction Team Round 1 WB V North Marvel 7.35 PM 15/3/25

    Love Khamis on the list. Has kicked several bags at VFL level and AFL level. Played a lot of games last year. Great age, great athletic profile and developing as a weapon of a swing-man. Didn't have the best practice match but confident he will contribute for years.
  7. St 07

    Coach Dean Cox - 2025 Coach - Signed 4 year deal

    And high maintenance. But he just doesn't know any other way
  8. St 07

    Coach Dean Cox - 2025 Coach - Signed 4 year deal

    Yeah but i'm being serious and genuine. He needs someone in his life to point it out to him in a kind manner. I know looks shouldn't be the main driving force of a coaches performance, but you do hope your coach has a bit of lifely competance, and his current appearance reflects the opposite
  9. St 07

    Coach Dean Cox - 2025 Coach - Signed 4 year deal

    I'm being deadly serious. Hey, that's cool if you don't get it
  10. St 07

    Coach Dean Cox - 2025 Coach - Signed 4 year deal

    Dean Cox isn't going to inspire or lead anyone with that abomination of a beard. Either grow out the neck or get rid of it. It's cartoonishly bad and can't be good for the self-esteem. Either let him know about this issue or watch him inevitably fail as coach
  11. St 07

    Training 2025 Pre Season and Training Reports Thread

    This is incredible. They appear to have a different schnoz but uhh.... DNA test, surely?! Edit: Obviously during the draft interview, Luke said he'll only join if we bring his brother across too, so hence we traded for Matthew.
  12. St 07

    Training 2025 Pre Season and Training Reports Thread

    Ed Richards and Bailey Dale will [emoji638]][emoji640][emoji6[emoji640][emoji637]]][emoji637][emoji6[emoji640][emoji637]][emoji[emoji6[emoji640][emoji638]][emoji640][emoji6[emoji640][emoji638]]][emoji[emoji6[emoji640][emoji638]][emoji640][emoji6[emoji640][emoji637]]]] mobile app
  13. St 07

    Training 2025 Pre Season and Training Reports Thread

    We just need to have our shit together by the end of the season
  14. St 07

    Training 2025 Pre Season and Training Reports Thread

    Plenty of teams have benefitted from a pure role player. Relax
  15. St 07

    Strategy Trade and List Management Thread Part 7 (opposition supporters - READ posting rules before posting)

    Gardy is backup ruck. Can't move Lobb or Darcy