Recent content by Ishmael_

  1. Ishmael_

    News Vale Adam Hunter

    RIP Adam, you were my favourite player in that team and for a period maybe our most important. However you left this earth I hope you find more peace in the next. I've done a 180 on this and feel the same. And that doesn't excuse the ghoulish media for their gross exploitation of the...
  2. Ishmael_

    List Mgmt. Contract, Trade and Draft Discussions - 2024 Post Season

    Loving this, maybe Richmond will take care of us after overpaying for Baker. Something close to this for pick three would be a steal!
  3. Ishmael_

    List Mgmt. Contract, Trade and Draft Discussions - 2024 Post Season

    Ya for sure, I just mean have that worked out before trade period when we start negotiating with Sydney.
  4. Ishmael_

    List Mgmt. Contract, Trade and Draft Discussions - 2024 Post Season

    I guess it depends, if Warner nominates us and doesn't waiver than it doesn't really matter what Freo has. Sydney can get a fair but not exorbitant return. Our F1 and Hawthorn should be the max and if they are both top 10 - something should come back. And if he does waiver or just 'wants to...
  5. Ishmael_

    List Mgmt. Contract, Trade and Draft Discussions - 2024 Post Season

    Firstly, loved the melts, loved having a melt - at least this trade period was entertaining. Overall my opinion on the trade period is unsurprisingly mixed. Strategically I'm happy with the direction. - I like bringing in some established players to hopefully raise the baseline, and also...
  6. Ishmael_

    List Mgmt. Contract, Trade and Draft Discussions - 2024 Post Season

    'It's Owies Sir, he's barricaded himself in the filing cabinet and he's saying that he'll only answer to you!'
  7. Ishmael_

    List Mgmt. Contract, Trade and Draft Discussions - 2024 Post Season

    'Clarkey was losing it. He was all in on 7s and 2s, so we had to tell him to take a hike - and that's when we got to work.' How could you not love this shit. The drama!
  8. Ishmael_

    List Mgmt. Contract, Trade and Draft Discussions - 2024 Post Season

    Come on mate, we've been through this. He's an independently wealthy former executive-dealmaker-psychologist-property-mogul cum elite AFL scout with a devil may care attitude and the minerals to say what he wants. Sure it seems a bit reckless or 'Cause of Actiony' but that's only because we...
  9. Ishmael_

    List Mgmt. Contract, Trade and Draft Discussions - 2024 Post Season

    I can't stop thinking about how two of our primary trading partners this period, Richmond and Hawthorn, completely screwed up their rebuilds by trading in established players and out of drafts. You could not have two more instructive examples, and at least they had the excuse of...
  10. Ishmael_

    List Mgmt. Contract, Trade and Draft Discussions - 2024 Post Season

    Pyke has a serious case of the Gerard Whateley's. Surrounded by unsophisticated morons, who are incapable of coherent pushback, these types start to convince themselves that they see every angle, get to the real truth of the matter. And then they start throwing around incoherent loan-words...
  11. Ishmael_

    List Mgmt. Contract, Trade and Draft Discussions - 2024 Post Season

    Can everyone just chill out! We'll have plenty of high draft picks and cap space in 2026 when Baker retires and Harley leaves. Sure we'll be a bit light on after trading out of the 2025/26 drafts to acquire a soon to be 26 year old Warner - BUT we'll be ready to bounce once we've traded the...
  12. Ishmael_

    List Mgmt. Contract, Trade and Draft Discussions - 2024 Post Season

    Nah, he could have agreed to walk. He didn't have to express that he wants Richmond taken care of. He's happily mortgaged the club's future for his retirement fund. He's not the prime culprit but he's part of this.
  13. Ishmael_

    List Mgmt. Contract, Trade and Draft Discussions - 2024 Post Season

    I mean lol. Couldn't we have at least flipped 14 for a lower pick and something else before handing it over for Baker? I think 'hate' is a strong word to direct at strangers, but it sure as hell feels like hate.
  14. Ishmael_

    List Mgmt. Contract, Trade and Draft Discussions - 2024 Post Season

    Ya the 'madman' theory of negotiation. Look how ****ing stupid we are? Do you really think we won't hold Barrass and get nothing in return?
  15. Ishmael_

    List Mgmt. Contract, Trade and Draft Discussions - 2024 Post Season

    Smdh. Carlton thought they could just Walz in and have their way with us - and then bam, Clarkesy from the pocket, absolute scenes, those fools!