Final Siren
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  • I recognise that avatar - It's the cover of a book that I am reading at the moment! :D
    Final Siren
    Final Siren
    What great taste in literature you have Equus!
    Love your work. What field do you work in? Do you use these skills day to day?
    Final Siren
    Final Siren
    Thanks SJ! Nah, it's just a hobby. I write books, mostly. Sometimes I code things.
    I find reading that you have many algorithms for predictions interesting.
    Hi FS, just wondering what software you used to create that scatter plot?

    Bloody amazing visual representation of footy.
    Final Siren
    Final Siren
    Thanks very much! I just use a spreadsheet: LibreOffice Calc. You could do the same thing in Excel I'm pretty sure.
    I'll check it out. Keep up the good work!
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