Usage for hash tag: BoomerDavyIsAGoodBloke

  1. Senor M

    Official Match Thread S33 Round 7 - Baghdad Bombers vs Las Vegas Bears at Abdu Prison (SFA Pride Game)

    I've posted 256 times this week. If that's not enough engagement and an excuse to resort to petty name calling and childish insults, then 99% of the SFA isn't meeting this lofty standard each and every week. #BearsRtheNo1postingTeamIntheSFA #itsallaboutengagement #BoomerDavyIsAGoodBloke
  2. Senor M

    Official Match Thread S33 Round 7 - Baghdad Bombers vs Las Vegas Bears at Abdu Prison (SFA Pride Game)

    Let's get this trending #itsallaboutengagenent #BoomerDavyIsAGoodBloke