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Yeah, it’s wrong because you said so. 😂
If this is the best you can do, then you clearly have nothing of substance to add. Do you know what the original paten was for? Or have you just taken that social media post on pure faith without looking any further into the claim? It's a fairly basic question.

I was curious... so I looked it up.
It very much is debatable. You saying it isn't doesn't make it so.

The issue for me is how loosely everything is being analysed by one side and when issues in that analysis are pointed out they're just ignored or move on to the next point rather than actually looking deeper into it. This thread is prime example of that. I've pointed out issues with the opening article to no reply from anyone. Just ignore and move on, right? Would that be the pigheaded denial that you are talking about?
Debatable? Justification for the Coercion of medical procedures should leave no room for debate.

Debatable? Justification for the Coercion of medical procedures should leave no room for debate.

Were you coerced in getting a medical procedure done?

In any case, there's no point in this conversation. I ask questions that are ignored for you to throw a completely different angle forward. I'll ask questions about that... which will be ignored, and another angle will be thrown around.

What's the point?

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phantom13 Maybe they just gave up conversing on the subject with someone coming from such an idiotic position. Seems a lot more likely.

There Facebook posts about Covid19 and their pushing the vaccines spiel stopped. I’ve never openly posted anything on Facebook in reply to their postings.
All the Covid19 discussions in public with them pushing the Covid19 vaxxs ceased as well.
phantom13 Maybe they just gave up conversing on the subject with someone coming from such an idiotic position. Seems a lot more likely.

There Facebook posts about Covid19 and their pushing the vaccines spiel stopped. I’ve never openly posted anything on Facebook in reply to their postings.
All the Covid19 discussions in public with them pushing the Covid19 vaxxs ceased as well.
I couldn’t possibly put into words how little interest I have in this thread and your take on covid. Have a good one
Ignoring your ignorance
One of us posted a social media post making a claim without looking into it any further... The other one decided to investigate further to check the claim.

One of us is completely closed to discussing it any further while the other is open to it.

You may need some clarification over the definition of 'ignorance'.
Huge article, links, documents, video, statements, witnesses, evidence. Below are just some headings. Go to link for the whole sad story. Its indefensible. If you have had the jab, you should be outraged. Not defending it. You can bury your head in the sand, laugh, troll, etc. But you wont escape the shot you have taken. Theres a chance you got lucky and got saline. But if you havent, you are in the same boat as everyone else... except the ones who knew the agenda, and never took it.

1. Medical doctors declare that the pandemic was planned

2. Hundreds of Spanish medical doctors say the pandemic is planned

3. In 2015 a testing method was patented for… COVID-19

4. Millions of COVID-19 test kits sold in 2017 and 2018

5. ‘Quick! Hide it!!’

6. The COVID-19 ‘project’ is planned until 2025

7. Anthony Fauci guaranteed a pandemic within the next two years

8. Bill and Melinda Gates guaranteed an imminent global pandemic

9. Practicing for a pandemic

10. Excitement about selling vaccines in the next year

11. 2020 coronavirus pandemic predicted in 2013

12. Global Preparedness Monitoring Board in Sept. 2019: ‘Get ready for a global coronavirus pandemic’

13. Outbreak from China announced

14. In 2015 Anthony Fauci gave this very lab 3,7 million dollars.

15. Chinese biological experiments to infect humans with Coronavirus exposed in 2015 by Italian state media

16. Movies predicted the coronavirus pandemic

17. Pandemic depicted during Olympics summergames in 2012

18. Worldwide lockdown predicted in 2008

19. Journalists predicted planned pandemic

20. ‘Scenario for the Future’

21. Bill Gates negotiated $100 Billion contact tracing deal with Democratic Congressman sponsor of bill six months BEFORE Coronavirus pandemic

Everyone’s contacts must be checked

A whole new level of global control

The plan: inject mankind with DNA altering vaccine

20 years of research say: the vaccine will change our DNA

Depopulate the earth by means of organized epidemics

It's kind of funny that I honestly can't tell if you're being serious or taking the piss out of anti-vaxxers.....
One of us posted a social media post making a claim without looking into it any further... The other one decided to investigate further to check the claim.

One of us is completely closed to discussing it any further while the other is open to it.

You may need some clarification over the definition of 'ignorance'.

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Marcel owned you Gethelred and all you could say is be careful with the anti-vaxx talk. My goodness, SRP has become the conspiracy board. Make that the Flat Earth thread.
... what? This seems like it could be a plea for help. Are you okay, Leb?

I genuinely don't know why you would tag me out onto a forum which I've never been - which is against site rules - to supposedly heckle me about something I've done as a moderator - also against site rules.
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Geographic clustering strongly suggests Covid 19 came out of the market at Wuhan, a typical zoonotic virus transmission to people. Scientists can now pinpoint the origins of COVID-19 to a few square metres. It wasn't in a lab

No need to make up a malicious plot by the NWO, the illuminati or shape shifting reptilians. It's simple stupidity. Wet markets, with wild animals are the perfect environment to incubate, mutate and spread zoonotic viruses. They should have been closed. They have not and continue to present a significant risk to the world.
Unknown causes deaths have been spreading like wildfire in Alberta , Canada, up from 500 deaths to 3300 deaths last year. What ever you do, do not, I stress strongly, do not catch Death by Unknown Causes. Is fatal.
Unknown causes deaths have been spreading like wildfire in Alberta , Canada, up from 500 deaths to 3300 deaths last year. What ever you do, do not, I stress strongly, do not catch Death by Unknown Causes. Is fatal.
What's your point here & why post into this sub-forum? Are you saying without saying that certain things arent safe & effective?
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