The Vegan debate - a meating of the minds

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Of course that may be right, but I see other possibilities and if you draw a line through us, even in the past 50 years, you'll see that as much as we've gone backwards in some aspects of life, progressive people are looking for new and better ways to not just survive, but to live (what we do, what we don't do), and in the context of what we eat; We cannot truly call ourselves just, when we 'persecute' beings that are below our level.

Small steps but look back at our treatment of animals, even in the past 20 years and extend it out to its logical conclusion. Never say never.
Advances where? The more we believe as a race we have answers the deeper the hole gets..every solution of the last 20 years has created greater problems that are even more complex to solve.
Simply even if we wanted too we could not grow the produce if every single person went Vegan, and I did in the early 80's for 3 years not one scrap of meat.
in America last year a truck transporting bee's rolled over as a result crops were not fertilised resulting in lost production but going down this mono culture slide we have lost bio diversity as native bee's are wiped out by Glyphosate and apiarists lose their bee's 49% die every winter in nth America it only takes one year for it all to collapse or a few less than tragic...Veganism is simply not sustainable.
Advances where? The more we believe as a race we have answers the deeper the hole gets..every solution of the last 20 years has created greater problems that are even more complex to solve.
Simply even if we wanted too we could not grow the produce if every single person went Vegan, and I did in the early 80's for 3 years not one scrap of meat.
in America last year a truck transporting bee's rolled over as a result crops were not fertilised resulting in lost production but going down this mono culture slide we have lost bio diversity as native bee's are wiped out by Glyphosate and apiarists lose their bee's 49% die every winter in nth America it only takes one year for it all to collapse or a few less than tragic...Veganism is simply not sustainable.

Let's throw our arms up in the air and simply give up then.

Do you speak with young people? How many kids did you know that were vegetarian 40 years ago and how many young people now?
I'm pleasantly surprised and proud of how many young people think today. There'll be fools always as a product of foolish parents, but we're way ahead in only a single generation.

Getting back to your first point though: Were you proud of putting that information forward and if so, why? Guilt maybe?
Let's throw our arms up in the air and simply give up then.

Do you speak with young people? How many kids did you know that were vegetarian 40 years ago and how many young people now?
I'm pleasantly surprised and proud of how many young people think today. There'll be fools always as a product of foolish parents, but we're way ahead in only a single generation.

Getting back to your first point though: Were you proud of putting that information forward and if so, why? Guilt maybe?
My Son and daughter are very quick to remind me everyone is equal if I speak in certain ways.
Show me the leadership you have faith in and I do not mean religion. And I will show you self interested people who only want their way without considering all.I left Victoria for that reason. Labor Liberal Green whatever business leaders etc etc the state is in a leadership Void.
No I do not think we are ahead in a single generation at all but I guess..people always want someone to Blame and that is always the previous generation.
When I grew up we would never have voted or been a part of voting in a government that went to war but hey we did we made exactly the same mistakes as those before us and these Kids will as well.

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My Son and daughter are very quick to remind me everyone is equal if I speak in certain ways.
Show me the leadership you have faith in and I do not mean religion. And I will show you self interested people who only want their way without considering all.I left Victoria for that reason. Labor Liberal Green whatever business leaders etc etc the state is in a leadership Void.
No I do not think we are ahead in a single generation at all but I guess..people always want someone to Blame and that is always the previous generation.
When I grew up we would never have voted or been a part of voting in a government that went to war but hey we did we made exactly the same mistakes as those before us and these Kids will as well.

I didn't come here to discuss politics so.........when it comes back to an individual choice as to what we put into our mouths, we've seen a huge shift in understanding the moral and health implication of digesting flesh.

We won't drop-off eating our juicy steaks and delicate young lamb-cutlets tomorrow and I don't care for the reflex people will have in advocating the slaughter of beings for their pleasure.

I simply ask: When you think about what you're doing....I mean really and honestly think about it....are you comfortable in your choice?
I didn't come here to discuss politics so.........when it comes back to an individual choice as to what we put into our mouths, we've seen a huge shift in understanding the moral and health implication of digesting flesh.

We won't drop-off eating our juicy steaks and delicate young lamb-cutlets tomorrow and I don't care for the reflex people will have in advocating the slaughter of beings for their pleasure.

I simply ask: When you think about what you're doing....I mean really and honestly think about it....are you comfortable in your choice?
to Answer I have absolutely no issue eating whatever I chose, having spent time on killing floors and processing its food just like a lentil burger or tofu or nut beans lol.
Food serves a purpose that is all whatever it is turns to Cr*p. Nutritionists for years told us to not eat Eggs butter and a pile of other foods based on the best science of the day.. have a guess what the best science of this day says those foods are better for you than the manufactured things that the food industry tried to sell us.
Anyhow done with this ciao.
to Answer I have absolutely no issue eating whatever I chose, having spent time on killing floors and processing its food just like a lentil burger or tofu or nut beans lol.
Food serves a purpose that is all whatever it is turns to Cr*p. Nutritionists for years told us to not eat Eggs butter and a pile of other foods based on the best science of the day.. have a guess what the best science of this day says those foods are better for you than the manufactured things that the food industry tried to sell us.
Anyhow done with this ciao.

Thanks for the chat bluebrew

I used to love my meat. You have no idea how much and I used to argue and belittle those that said otherwise.
Boy, do I feel stupid now and here's why: Not because I was a meat eater but because I fought hard to accept my own lies. Never again.

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