Ghost/Paranormal The exoriscm of Anneliese Michel

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Anneliese Michel was a German woman who underwent Catholic exorcism rites during the year before her death. Later investigation determined that she was malnourished and dehydrated; her parents and the priests responsible were charged with negligent homicide. She was epileptic and had a history of psychiatric treatment, which was overall not effective. Her condition worsened with her displaying various other symptoms which she took medication for as well. Michel and her family became convinced she was possessed by demons. The case attracted media and public attention because of the priests unusual decision to employ a 400-year-old ritual of exorcism. The film The Exorcism of Emily Rose is loosely based on her story.

After an investigation, the state prosecutor maintained that Michel's death could have been prevented even one week before she died. The trial started on 30 March 1978 in the district court and drew intense interest. Before the court, doctors testified that Michel was not possessed, stating that this was a psychological effect because of her strict religious upbringing and her epilepsy, but the doctor Richard Roth, who was asked for medical help by Alt, allegedly told her during the exorcism, that "there is no injection against the devil, Anneliese".[6] Schmidt-Leichner said that the exorcism was legal and that the German constitution protected citizens in the unrestricted exercise of their religious beliefs. The defense played tapes recorded at the exorcism sessions, sometimes featuring what was claimed to be "demons arguing", to assert their claim that Michel was possessed. Both priests said the demons identified themselves as Lucifer, Cain, Judas Iscariot, Hitler, and Nero among others; they further said that she was finally freed because of the exorcism just before her death. The church later changed its position stating she was mentally ill, not possessed

Probably the most disturbing case of malpractice and negligence if the reports and findings are true, or was it that this was indeed a rare case of actual possession?

Further details from the audio recordings and translations can be found HERE

If you're a believer or not, what are your thoughts?

Pretty disturbing nonetheless that this girl died as a result
The following story was told to me a few months ago and will stay with me until the day I die:

A person that I used to work with has had a very troubled past, suffice to say her grandfather did disgusting things to her as a young child, of a sexual nature. One night she opened up to me about a particular experience she had once which all but confirmed her belief in the paranormal..

Around the age of 16 she had begun to have flashbacks to the traumatic experiences that had taken place to her as a child which she had suppressed as a lot of children in those kinds of situations do. She began to realise just what had happened to her and decided she was not ready to confront it yet so continued to suppress the thoughts whenever they would manifest.

Around the same time she was on a school camp for a particular subject which meant that there was students from grades 8-12 there, she was in year 11 at the time. A group of year 9 girls whom she knew only one of (that had a sister in her grade which she was friendly with) were hanging out completely seperate to her and her friends and decided to mess around with the occult. Apparently one of them (the one that she knew) became possessed and demanded that these girls go and find my friend and bring her to her/him/it. The year 9 girls were all freaked out, they knew of my friend and knew she was on the camp but had no idea why this thing would demand her by name. They went over and found her chilling out and begged her to come back over to their dorm where this girl was still possessed. As my friend tells it she thought they were full of crap but went with them more to shut them up than anything else.

Once she arrived at the cabin this possessed girl requested to speak to her alone so they went into the bathroom together. It's worth noting at this point that she had not told a single soul about what had happened to her as a child, and the only 2 people who knew was her and her grandfather - both of which were still alive. Like I said my friend knew this possessed year 9 girl and in her own words "it was not her. Sure in the flesh it was, but at the same time it wasn't. Her voice, her eyes, her mannerisms - all different". This girl then grabbed her by the wrists in a vice grip and proceeded to tell her every single little detail about what her grandfather had done to her as a child. Some things she hadn't even recalled yet but upon hearing them it triggered memory after memory.

At this point she was hysterically crying and trying to get away from this thing but couldn't. The possessed girl then went on to claim that it was trying to help her. Apparently it had been bad in a past life and was trying to make amends. It claimed that she needed to confront what had happened to her as a child and if she didn't bad things would happen. Eventually she got away and ran back out to the main room where all the rest of the girls were. This "entity" refused to leave the girl and so they called teachers in, the teachers didn't know what to do so they called the girls parents. This is where it gets really interesting.

The girl was from South Africa and it turns out back home the parents used to regularly perform exorcisms. The parents drove out to the camp and in front of a room full of students and teachers performed an exorcism on their own daughter. It worked but apparently the girl was (and still is) very traumatised by the incident. Meanwhile my friend did not heed the warning of the entity and continued to suppress all of her thoughts and feelings in regards to the incidents from her childhood. Less than a month later she tried to kill herself. She then finally started to confront what had taken place and over a long and arduous journey since has dealt with her inner-demons, put her grandfather in jail and is now engaged and working full-time.

TLDR: Girl I know was molested by grandfather, suppressed it. On a school camp many years later a group of other girls play around with the occult and one of them gets possessed. Demands for my friend by name and proceeds to tell her every last detail about what happened - things she has no possible way of knowing.

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If you're a believer or not, what are your thoughts?

Not everyone has a soul, but everyone has the ingredients to become one. Your soul is powered by carbon. That is an energy source that can't be killed, it can only change forms. Carbon does attach itself to water. Human bodies are compromised mostly of water. They say that something interfered with the transformation of that energy source at the death of the human.

When the exorcism is known by the Vatican, they send real dudes who have thousand of years of info on the subject. These dudes practice pagan witchcraft. if you do the study, you should concentrate on the possessions of girls born under a water sign on the astrological chart.

Many police departments have found psychics an asset.
A friend of mine worked for a German tech company who were engaged in all kinds of new tech innovations, and one of the things they came up with were "smart shoes". These shoes were linked to a GPS so no matter where you were, they could take you back home. So, if it was really late and you were pissed, they could take over and walk you home.
So, anyway, my friend had all sorts of problems with them. They would not obey the commands that he programmed in and would often take over. It seems they got sick of just walking from the local pub to his place, and tried to go to other places. So after a while he stopped using them. Then one day he finds they aren't in his house any more, and due to the GPS in them he tracks them down - they were in Oslo. Weird thing is, they tried to steal a car, but they crashed it into a river - they couldn't steer it you see. The water destroyed the shoes.
Anyway, my friend was really blown away by the whole thing, and it took him a long time to get over it. Eventually, he went and talked to a priest about it, and the priest was able to console him about the whole event, because it turns out that shoes have soles.
A bloke I work with used to be an engineer, before getting into the environmental services industry. One night over a beer he told me about his first job out of university, which was working for a company that made vibrators, dildos and other sex products. His role, he explained, was to make sure the vibrators were designed in such a way that if a woman using one were to pass out in the throes of ecstasy, then the device would not keep squirelling up inside her while still running.

Had he ever heard of such a thing happening, I asked in a not totally unaroused manner. He stared into his beer for a moment, then leant across the table towards me. "Yes," he said. "But the vibrator was possessed".

The following story was told to me a few months ago and will stay with me until the day I die:

A person that I used to work with has had a very troubled past, suffice to say her grandfather did disgusting things to her as a young child, of a sexual nature. One night she opened up to me about a particular experience she had once which all but confirmed her belief in the paranormal..

Around the age of 16 she had begun to have flashbacks to the traumatic experiences that had taken place to her as a child which she had suppressed as a lot of children in those kinds of situations do. She began to realise just what had happened to her and decided she was not ready to confront it yet so continued to suppress the thoughts whenever they would manifest.

Around the same time she was on a school camp for a particular subject which meant that there was students from grades 8-12 there, she was in year 11 at the time. A group of year 9 girls whom she knew only one of (that had a sister in her grade which she was friendly with) were hanging out completely seperate to her and her friends and decided to mess around with the occult. Apparently one of them (the one that she knew) became possessed and demanded that these girls go and find my friend and bring her to her/him/it. The year 9 girls were all freaked out, they knew of my friend and knew she was on the camp but had no idea why this thing would demand her by name. They went over and found her chilling out and begged her to come back over to their dorm where this girl was still possessed. As my friend tells it she thought they were full of crap but went with them more to shut them up than anything else.

Once she arrived at the cabin this possessed girl requested to speak to her alone so they went into the bathroom together. It's worth noting at this point that she had not told a single soul about what had happened to her as a child, and the only 2 people who knew was her and her grandfather - both of which were still alive. Like I said my friend knew this possessed year 9 girl and in her own words "it was not her. Sure in the flesh it was, but at the same time it wasn't. Her voice, her eyes, her mannerisms - all different". This girl then grabbed her by the wrists in a vice grip and proceeded to tell her every single little detail about what her grandfather had done to her as a child. Some things she hadn't even recalled yet but upon hearing them it triggered memory after memory.

At this point she was hysterically crying and trying to get away from this thing but couldn't. The possessed girl then went on to claim that it was trying to help her. Apparently it had been bad in a past life and was trying to make amends. It claimed that she needed to confront what had happened to her as a child and if she didn't bad things would happen. Eventually she got away and ran back out to the main room where all the rest of the girls were. This "entity" refused to leave the girl and so they called teachers in, the teachers didn't know what to do so they called the girls parents. This is where it gets really interesting.

The girl was from South Africa and it turns out back home the parents used to regularly perform exorcisms. The parents drove out to the camp and in front of a room full of students and teachers performed an exorcism on their own daughter. It worked but apparently the girl was (and still is) very traumatised by the incident. Meanwhile my friend did not heed the warning of the entity and continued to suppress all of her thoughts and feelings in regards to the incidents from her childhood. Less than a month later she tried to kill herself. She then finally started to confront what had taken place and over a long and arduous journey since has dealt with her inner-demons, put her grandfather in jail and is now engaged and working full-time.

TLDR: Girl I know was molested by grandfather, suppressed it. On a school camp many years later a group of other girls play around with the occult and one of them gets possessed. Demands for my friend by name and proceeds to tell her every last detail about what happened - things she has no possible way of knowing.

Can you put the TLDR at the top next time. Cheers.
Anneliese Michel was a German woman who underwent Catholic exorcism rites during the year before her death. Later investigation determined that she was malnourished and dehydrated; her parents and the priests responsible were charged with negligent homicide. She was epileptic and had a history of psychiatric treatment, which was overall not effective. Her condition worsened with her displaying various other symptoms which she took medication for as well. Michel and her family became convinced she was possessed by demons. The case attracted media and public attention because of the priests unusual decision to employ a 400-year-old ritual of exorcism. The film The Exorcism of Emily Rose is loosely based on her story.

After an investigation, the state prosecutor maintained that Michel's death could have been prevented even one week before she died. The trial started on 30 March 1978 in the district court and drew intense interest. Before the court, doctors testified that Michel was not possessed, stating that this was a psychological effect because of her strict religious upbringing and her epilepsy, but the doctor Richard Roth, who was asked for medical help by Alt, allegedly told her during the exorcism, that "there is no injection against the devil, Anneliese".[6] Schmidt-Leichner said that the exorcism was legal and that the German constitution protected citizens in the unrestricted exercise of their religious beliefs. The defense played tapes recorded at the exorcism sessions, sometimes featuring what was claimed to be "demons arguing", to assert their claim that Michel was possessed. Both priests said the demons identified themselves as Lucifer, Cain, Judas Iscariot, Hitler, and Nero among others; they further said that she was finally freed because of the exorcism just before her death. The church later changed its position stating she was mentally ill, not possessed

Probably the most disturbing case of malpractice and negligence if the reports and findings are true, or was it that this was indeed a rare case of actual possession?

Further details from the audio recordings and translations can be found HERE

If you're a believer or not, what are your thoughts?

Pretty disturbing nonetheless that this girl died as a result
As a parent your number one priority is the well being of your children. For me, any sign of demonic interference and I am right on it. Blow it completely away before it takes hold, I say.

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