Radio Leigh Montagna doing play-by-play

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I don't hate him as a play-by-play guy... but I do think those jobs should go to professional broadcasters, particularly female and/or diverse commentators, rather than more jobs for the boys.
I don't hate him as a play-by-play guy... but I do think those jobs should go to professional broadcasters, particularly female and/or diverse commentators, rather than more jobs for the boys.
Best candidate for the role. Man/Woman/Child/Dog don't care. Think he's pretty good, but he's not strong enough to keep Dermie in line. You gotta cut off the anecdotes before they get started otherwise they'll last 5 minutes. He also fell into the trap of being an expert commentator rather than a play by play commentator. I know he does both on triple M, but it's a bit jarring to listen to. Gotta stick to your chosen lane on the night and let the others do their jobs too.

As a play by play commentator, I'd rate him as one of the better ones. Better than anyone on Ch7 by far (BT is good on triple M, but sucks on Ch7, must be the producers).
Best candidate for the role. Man/Woman/Child/Dog don't care.

50% of the population are female. At least 95% of the AFL commentariat are male.

Am I to believe that everyone is there on merit? Or is the entire AFL media landscape a system of jobs for the boys, thus requiring an active focus on recruiting professional commentators who are diverse/female/POC etc.

People criticise the media landscape because nearly everyone is compromised. I actually don't have that much of a problem with that, cos I get it - there's a hell of a lot of roles at the top of footy clubs that are voluntary, and people like Darcy, Dunstall (in the past), Ricciutto et al are only able to do those voluntary roles because they have paid jobs in the media.

This jobs for the boys bullshit is a much bigger concern to me, cos it means we end up with a homogenous group of white men, in the same age group, spouting the same shit.

Diversity isn't important for its own sake - it's important to have more voices, more diverse opinions and different ideas in the game. I also think the mere presence of people like Abbey Holmes, Daisy Pearce, Sarah Jones and Kelli Underwood makes that homogenous group of white men more aware, which is important on a societal level, as we've seen over the last 6 weeks. I don't reckon that stupid Eddie McGuire thing with Caro on Triple M (during the big freeze) happens now, cos everyone is more aware.

Despite the criticism that Ch7 and Wayne Carey get for the fact that he is employed there despite a chequered past, I actually think Wayne Carey can be held up as an example of someone who learned, who became a better man, and who learned to respect women. I remember that Triple M segment with McGuire and while all the other boofheads were piling on, Duck was the one that wanted no part of it. That comes from greater awareness, from working with women, and with education about the challenges women face in male-dominated industries. I hear through the grapevine that Duck has done more than anyone to give advice to Abbey and particularly to Daisy on Channel 7. So he's more respectful, he's helping these women get more presence on tv, and he's providing an example to other men.

That's why diversity is important. (And that's without even approaching the "you have to see it to be it" argument that makes it important that we work to have more diverse voices in footy. If all you see are middle-aged white men who played footy, how does anyone else aspire to those roles to make the industry better? We all bag channel 7s horrendous commentary.... but you want to make an argument about merit-based appointments?)
I've always found the most bigoted people to be those who view everything through the prism of identity and not competence but perhaps it comes from my own upbringing where it's more important who you are than what you can do.

Montagna is not there on merit and whilst he was a very good player, I'd much rather have someone like Jason Bennett.
I've always found the most bigoted people to be those who view everything through the prism of identity and not competence but perhaps it comes from my own upbringing where it's more important who you are than what you can do.

No, it's called privilege.
I'd much rather have someone like Jason Bennett.
Jason is employed by Ch7. Montagna is employed by Fox. Not sure what Fox can do there whilst he's stuck calling the VFL with campbell brown. Ask Ch7 why they don't have him on friday nights with BT.
50% of the population are female. At least 95% of the AFL commentariat are male.

What is the percentage difference between men and women in the history of our country who have played an organised game of Australian Rules football?

What is the percentage difference men and women in the radio/TV audience?

These numbers shouldn't matter as much as your point shouldn't matter. If i'm seeking commentators for the AFL as a current producer, i'm looking for either the most recognisable or the most talented, or somebody who falls in between. In all honesty, I don't believe they do the best job of it. But they also won't be doing a good job of it if they try and fill a gender quota.

Unfortunately Isa Ghua isn't available.

Also, don't mind Montagna.
What is the percentage difference between men and women in the history of our country who have played an organised game of Australian Rules football?

What is the percentage difference men and women in the radio/TV audience?

These numbers shouldn't matter as much as your point shouldn't matter. If i'm seeking commentators for the AFL as a current producer, i'm looking for either the most recognisable or the most talented, or somebody who falls in between. In all honesty, I don't believe they do the best job of it. But they also won't be doing a good job of it if they try and fill a gender quota.

Unfortunately Isa Ghua isn't available.

Also, don't mind Montagna.

This is absolute shitposting.

The lead caller/s should be professional commentators, not jobs for the boys. They don't have to have played. In fact before Taylor, Christianson and Darcy, I don't remember callers ever being former players, this is a new phenomenon.

The listenership is an even less relevant point. You don't think white men should be subjected to listening to women or Indigenous people?

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This is absolute shitposting.

The lead caller/s should be professional commentators, not jobs for the boys. They don't have to have played. In fact before Taylor, Christianson and Darcy, I don't remember callers ever being former players, this is a new phenomenon.

The listenership is an even less relevant point. You don't think white men should be subjected to listening to women or Indigenous people?

From a business standpoint, if you run channel 7 and are putting together a commentary team, are you more likely to contact former big names Luke Hodge and Jobe Watson or somebody the majority of the audience hasn't heard of before? It doesn't matter what you or I think is right or wrong from a diversity standpoint. If somebody is running a business they should be hiring the best person to fit their desired role. Anything less than organic growth looks far too forced.

Isa Ghua on the cricket? Excellent, because she is so damn good.

Are people saying many bad things about Abbey Holmes? They shouldn't be. She is a recognisable face due to sport and television and she gets her points across with conviction and confidence.

Neroli Meadows (don't get me started on her termination from Fox Footy), Sarah Jones, an improved Kelli Underwood. All just as good or better than their male counterparts (if we must separate them by gender for arguments sake).

You are getting outraged for no reason. I don't disagree entirely. I hate the current state of commentary in our sport. But as much as I would rather a Bennet type doing Friday nights I also understand why they'd prefer to put a recognisable face and voice at the front.

As for the bolded part, that has completely missed the mark. When did I ever mention indigenous players or commentators? I even said that my two first scenarios SHOULDN'T matter.

The real answer here lies somewhere in the middle. I find quotas dangerous. I see the negatives in forced diversity as much as the positives. I don't enjoy the current stare of commentary and wish those at the top were held more to account when they perform poorly.
Circa 2011 there was a period when C7 were bringing current players into commentary (including a then injured Hodge), and Montagna was the impressive one who felt right at home and really switched on and capable of play-by-play with analysis. Glad he pursued it.
Montania should be held in the same light as Barry Hall after the horrible radio conversation. I have never understood how LM walked away from that without the same reputation damage as BH.
didn't his mrs say she didn't have a problem with the comments?

And if that is the case then why the **** does everyone else feel the need to get outraged by something the supposed victim doesn't even think is a big deal?
didn't his mrs say she didn't have a problem with the comments?

And if that is the case then why the fu** does everyone else feel the need to get outraged by something the supposed victim doesn't even think is a big deal?
I was comparing the push back against hall v montania. My comments had nithing to do with his wife or what she thought of them, which is irelevant when talki g about public broadcasts.
I heard him recently, he was okay. He was better than plenty currently getting a gig on TV.

There are good callers out there though, Jason Bennet is one of them. I dont know who others are but they exist. They should stop just getting ex footballers who don't have the skill just to look after them. Shit commentary breeds shit commentators.

Forget about diversity quotas in commentary too, just hire the best people for the job.

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