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Wayde Gniel

Jan 25, 2014
AFL Club
In the 22 years since I moved up from Melbourne I've seen and heard some funny stuff from non-AFL fans coming to grips with our game - from sad attempts at bagging the sport and getting the names of famous players wrong, to badly mixing up the rules when they actually gave it a go.

Just out of interest and for a lighthearted change of pace, what's your favourite "non-fan" story? It's definitely something only us footy fans in Queensland and NSW could ever relate to!

A good example I'll always remember was a rare conversation about footy back in my school days, where one kid was trying to tell me about a player he had once seen kicking some freakish goals. I knew who he was talking about of course, but nearly wet myself when he said, “That’s right…Dai-cos…Jamie Daicos!” Haha!

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