Dinner Party

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Firstly I'd have to invite God, why, well to see if he is real, if he rocks up sweet he's the real deal, if he doesn't then I can give shit to all my religious friends. If he does rock up then I would invite Satan just to see how well they would get along.
Firstly I'd have to invite God, why, well to see if he is real, if he rocks up sweet he's the real deal, if he doesn't then I can give shit to all my religious friends. If he does rock up then I would invite Satan just to see how well they would get along.
Dude have you not listened to the 12th man. God and Satan are up there playing poker with Kerry Packer

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My Grandfather - died 5 months before I was born. Apparently was a great bloke, and had similar interests. Would love to meet him.

Martin Luther King - really respect the man. What he did for human rights was incredible. Would love to have a talk to him about some of his ideals.

Kate Upton - no questions asked.

John Cleese - one of the funniest men alive. Getting an insight into how he performs slapstick so well would be awesome. The chemistry between him and my grandfather would be unparalleled.

Magic Johnson - has obviously lived a life of ups and downs. Would love to hear how he's coped with the hardship he's been through. Also good for some bball tips.

Steve Carell - another that is as funny as **** in many shows/movies, and another I look up to. Would have dinner with him any day if the week.

Dan Reynolds - gotta have a musician, and what better one to have than the lead singer if my favourite band. Love his music.
Of those that haven't been mentioned Da Vinci would be up there for me. How can one person have so many outstanding talents? Especially his invention work for his time is fascinating.

Thomas Edison could also come into play for that reason.

Also, Carrot Top...
Good thread :thumbsu:

Dave Grohl - Musical legend who would have some awesome stories about the Foos, QOTSA and Nirvana of course. Also would love to chat to him about music in general and he looks like a awesome guy to get on the piss with.

Ozzy Osbourne - Much the same as Dave but a different careers paths. Would love to hear about Sabbath, his solo career, Randy Rhodes and his years of addiction problems and how he's seemed to have overcome them.

Chopper Reid - Might not be a popular choice but I think he would be great to have a chat with.

Bob Skilton - The most recognised Swan player of all-time. Just to hear about footy back in the day and about how the club was when it first moved to Sydney and it's progression to where the club is now.

Mark Callaway aka The Undertaker - Has been in the wrestling business for over 25 years and was known as the general in the locker room. Many stories to be told.

Ricky Gervais - How would you not want to talk to the guy who created arguably the funniest TV show of all time.

Larry David - Same applies with creating Seinfield and creating and starring in Curb Your Enthusiasm.

Bill Russell - 11 NBA Champion back in the days went racism was still prominent in America. Just to hear about his life and what struggles he went through would be very interesting.

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