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  1. F

    The bible code.

    After years of investigation I have found the only thing most "divinely inspired" texts are missing is a short passage at the start and another at the end. These two missing passages explain the origins of every religious belief system in existence. Though I have been threatened with death...
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    Audio Books

    Where do you get your audio books?
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    James Bond

    I really liked the Bond books. A bit darker than the movies and the dialogue is very tight.
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    Audio Books

    I've listened to it a few times but it is a short book so only a couple of hours of audio. If you have, say, a 30 minute commute you could get two or three plays of a book in a week. Probably not good for fiction, but good for non-fiction.
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    Audio Books

    I bought The Art of War on iTunes for $21 today. It's a good listen while I'm working. Does anyone else here listen to audio books?
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    Dan Brown

    Having siad that, I did read Da Vinci Code through faster than I've read any book in quite a while. It was a good pulp-fiction story but the accolades and ardent following is a bit over the top.
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    Dan Brown

    Digital Fortress was ridiculous. Huge gaping holes in the research. I got to the part where someone said a 512-bit encryption takes twice as long to crack as 128-bit encryption and chucked it in a Lifeline bin. Literally. Can't remember if that is the one where the villain spells his name...
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    books that never lived up to the hype thread

    Anything by Dan Brown. Snow Crash, Digital Fortress. All ill-conceived, unresearched garbage. Huge following, of course.
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    Your favourite five books.

    It changes constantly. Can't pin it down to five favourites.
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    What do You Buy Daily/Weekly/Monthly

    I buy a book every month... and read one every six months. The backlog is piling up. Otherwise its The Economist, Wired and New Scientist.
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    Popular History and Science

    They are on their way to me now. I resisted the urge to grab a few extras in the "People who bought this book also bought..." list. Baby steps.
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    Popular History and Science

    But you never know what they've been doing to their books.
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    Popular History and Science

    Time to hop onto Amazon I think.
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    Popular History and Science

    1421: The Year China Discovered the World - another good one.
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    Tom Clancy; Right wing demagogue, entertaining and readable author, or both?

    Jeez I'd hoped we'd have this board going for more than a week before getting into politics.
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    Nicholson Baker

    This self-pitying male that you find in books like Nick Earls' Zigzag Street always grates with me. (In unrelated news I drive past the Zigzag Street almost every day on my way to work.) The book was funny but it just takes me a while to get to like these pitiful characters. Haven't read any...
  17. F

    Brother Fish

    I was a "Three Investigators" boy. Babysitters after my time. By the age of 12 I had two bookcases (not shelves, bookcases) of books I'd read. Had some sort of mania for keeping any book I'd read. Got me in a lot of trouble with the library.
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    Popular History and Science

    I actually bought that a few weeks ago and hadn't gotten past page 30 before we moved house. Time to get back to it I think.
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    Popular History and Science

    I've been getting into a few popular history and popular science books lately. They make great reading for a smart-arse with a good memory (like me). Things like: * A History of Everything * Against the Gods * The Power of Gold * River out of Eden * The Map that Changed the World *...