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  1. scottywiper

    Why we have Leroy Brown

    Sorry, but he IS a dud. He's been okay at times this year, but more should be expected of a big bloke closing in on 200 games. I can't see how being merely not too bad is acceptable for a player of his experience. He got games for us he never deserved, and was no better at Freo, who admitted...
  2. scottywiper

    Toovey V Cox

    Not to intrude on this discussion, but the mail is that Cox had a blue with the coach...which explains his absence from the team in recent weeks. Interesting to see him named this week.
  3. scottywiper

    Malthouse sees potential in Brown

    IIRC, one of those two games you mention he played on Adam Hunter, who kicked four goals in the second half to win the game for West Coast in Canberra. Off the top of my head, I reckon he's had 20 possessions or more 3-4 times in a whole career. Now I'm a maths man, and I'd like to think that...
  4. scottywiper

    Malthouse sees potential in Brown

    May 2003, days after I joined BF: "He's averaging about five touches a game and is as slow as a wet week. He's too slow to play down back, not good enough overhead to play up forward and not tall enough to play in the ruck. This is why Freo traded him - his only good game last year was when...
  5. scottywiper

    Malthouse sees potential in Brown

    Good call, go with a random poll on a website probably voted on by people who know stuff all about the Anvil, rather than the thoughts of someone who has probably seen more Brown games than just about anyone in Australia. As for the other stuff about better team-mates, facilities, staff, etc...
  6. scottywiper

    Malthouse sees potential in Brown

    Having watched almost every game of his career at Freo and North, I heartily concur. A most turgid player that was given far too many opportunities at North. Too slow to play down back, not good enough overhead to play in attack, and can't read the play. Averages about 10 touches a game for his...