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  1. Damon_3388

    Inner city apartments & investing opportunity

    As a uni student who is looking to move to Melbourne next year, I've been looking a fair bit at what's around in Melbourne's apartment and sharehouse market, just to get a feel for prices, suburbs, what you get for your money and so on. I'm looking to rent/share (can't afford to buy at this...
  2. Damon_3388

    CNBC - gone?

    If only there was the option to remove all the news and kid's channels from your Foxtel package to make it cheaper.
  3. Damon_3388

    Playford Alive

    You know the world is changing when 'outside' people are willing to move in properties north of Salisbury Highway :p
  4. Damon_3388

    Attention all Students on Youth Allowance - Let the government boost your Savings

    I know for certain I'm not classed as 'independent' by Centrelink, and I know for certain that my payments are based on my parent's income (the one parent I live with, who doesn't earn that much).
  5. Damon_3388

    Attention all Students on Youth Allowance - Let the government boost your Savings

    That might be the problem. Despite applying for literally everything going, I have only ever had one job in the 3 years I've been studying after high school (and that only lasted 2 months, and then the term of the contract ended). I also still live with parents as well, so I think they assume...
  6. Damon_3388

    Attention all Students on Youth Allowance - Let the government boost your Savings

    I've got no assets, and literally no money in the bank, and as much as they'd like to, parents can't really help out much themselves (they're struggling too on their own income). I'm existing solely off my measly Youth Allowance basically, which is why I'm desperate to get a job, or at least get...
  7. Damon_3388

    Attention all Students on Youth Allowance - Let the government boost your Savings

    I usually do the right thing in terms of contacting them when I have to and so on, so it annoys me when they threaten to lower or cut it off at the drop of a hat, and I'm not even working at the moment! Adding to that annoyance is that (like the person you mentioned who was getting triple what...
  8. Damon_3388

    Attention all Students on Youth Allowance - Let the government boost your Savings

    How the hell are people getting $400 (or even $255) a fortnight from Youth Allowance? I'm studying full time, don't currently have a job, and I get just $155.84 a fortnight from Youth Allowance, which I have to use for everything from bus tickets to food to uni books. If I get a job, or my...
  9. Damon_3388

    Budget to hit poor and increase tax on beer and cigarettes

    Pretty much everyone smokes over there too, right? No wonder, at that price.
  10. Damon_3388

    What will you do with your $950?

    I'm not trying to make myself out to be some sort of genius (I'm just doing a regular BA at uni, nothing mindblowing), but I think I'm pretty smart overall, and when there is a number of people in local supermarkets who can't even do simple stuff like Grade 2 Maths and add up change (even when...
  11. Damon_3388

    What will you do with your $950?

    I'll repeat this again - I've been applying for absolutely everything going for 3 years, and all I've gotten out of it is one Christmas Casual position this past Summer, and one other interview. I'll do pretty much anything. I'll sweep the floor if someone will pay me to do it. Short of getting...
  12. Damon_3388

    What will you do with your $950?

    I understand what the aim is, but there are many out there who are genuinely relying on this to further help them make ends meet, whether it be to pay off debts or whatever, and couldn't care less if they boost the economy with it or not. Not everyone is just taking it as pocket money to blow on...
  13. Damon_3388

    What will you do with your $950?

    I already got $1,000 in December, but I'm disappointed that I might not be getting the $950 here. I didn't put in a tax return in 2007/08, because I didn't have a job then (and still don't), so the way I read it, I'll be missing out, despite being among those that really need it IMO. I'm a...