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  1. dank420_

    Rumour Rhyce Shaw in Hospital, won’t coach again: NO Trolling, cheap shots, or jokes will be Tolerated

    Firstly, forget the “if”. It’s happened. Secondly, you’re missing the point. They wanted Blakey to take the head position because yeah, they don’t want Shaw there anymore. Nothing to do with whether Blakey knows his limitations. If Shaw is still coach next year it’s because he’s somehow...
  2. dank420_

    Rumour Rhyce Shaw in Hospital, won’t coach again: NO Trolling, cheap shots, or jokes will be Tolerated

    Rumour is true. Blakey was offered the head coach role but has turned it down. He wants to be the assistant. Shaw 50/50 on wanting to continue. *sent from central station toilets
  3. dank420_

    Scandal Tex Walker's impact in finals

    Ayy lmao
  4. dank420_

    Scandal Tex Walker's impact in finals

  5. dank420_

    Scandal Tex Walker's impact in finals

  6. dank420_

    Scandal Tex Walker's impact in finals

    nah, gonna dry up i reckon
  7. dank420_

    Scandal Tex Walker's impact in finals

    mods where is my ****in nostro tag
  8. dank420_

    Rumour Buddy drug scandal

    Tag me if you really wanna know ya squib. And there is no news about buddy. He's doing just fine (as my good friend DJ already stated in this thread).
  9. dank420_

    Rumour Court Case: Ablett Brothers Shootout with VicPol?

    Yep. Feels good when you get it right and everyone hits dat like button. Save it until you get a good one bud.
  10. dank420_

    Rumour Court Case: Ablett Brothers Shootout with VicPol?

    What's it got to do with your shit rumour? You're completely wrong by the way. I know someone. It's that simple.
  11. dank420_

    Rumour Court Case: Ablett Brothers Shootout with VicPol?

    Don't make this about me m80 I post what the people want. you can't force this type of knowledge. Do not hate me because you want to be me.
  12. dank420_

    Rumour Court Case: Ablett Brothers Shootout with VicPol?

    Akka76 no one cares mate
  13. dank420_

    Scandal Tex Walker's impact in finals

    Chards is correct.
  14. dank420_

    Scandal Tex Walker's impact in finals

    lol @ hawks flogs who think their own players don't snort coke
  15. dank420_

    Scandal Tex Walker's impact in finals

    Isaac Heeney can eat a large maccas sundae in 5 seconds
  16. dank420_

    Scandal Tex Walker's impact in finals

    mods don't lock the thread just yet let me enjoy the glory 4 a bit
  17. dank420_

    Scandal Tex Walker's impact in finals

  18. dank420_

    Scandal Tex Walker's impact in finals

  19. dank420_

    Scandal Tex Walker's impact in finals

    this will probs be my last rumour as I've invested in a colostomy bag and won't need the toilet anymore. Kurt Tippett will retire next week and he will tell you it's because his body isn't up to it. Shit hey?
  20. dank420_

    Rumour Where is the Weirdest Place You Heard a Legit Footy Scoop?

    holy moly fellaz i wasn't actually on the dunny it was just a bit of theatre im actually head coach of an AFL footy team
  21. dank420_

    Rumour Stevie J will be Sydney's new forward coach.

    cheers fellas thanks cheers
  22. dank420_

    Rumour Stevie J will be Sydney's new forward coach.

    My guts are really playing up, but the upside is I get more info. Gonna recharge my opal after this!
  23. dank420_

    Rumour High profile football person in a bad way

    Nah, Buddy ain't allowed to drive anymore! Swannies hire a driver for him if teammates/wife can't drive him.
  24. dank420_

    Rumour Isaac Heeney

    Ay matey. Caught up with me old friend at Central and I hate to tell ya, but this ain't true. I'll add to it though, cos I like to serve the good people of all things Sydney. Before Heenzzz renewed his contract, he was offered a matching bid by a Vic team which he strongly considered. He...
  25. dank420_

    Rumour 3.5 mil down the dunny

    not that simple :)
  26. dank420_

    Rumour 3.5 mil down the dunny

    Holy ****in moly looks like the deal is going through after all! Swans are getting fairly screwed but hahahahah
  27. dank420_

    Rumour 3.5 mil down the dunny

    ayy ladies and gents It's been a while but I've been backin a huge one out. Me guts are stuffed. Anyway, While I was there I heard about that bloke who got caught with drugs. Bloody druggos. ANyway, apparently that's cost em a fairly huge sponsorship deal worth about 3.5 mil a year. They...