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  1. Freo16

    Movie DC Extended Universe - News, updates and discussion

    I just don’t see any point in doing a black or asian Clark Kent when there already is other black Supermen in the comics ( Michael B Jordan’s movie was one of these non-Clark Kent Supermen) If you want do a superhero movie with a black lead then do John Stewart Green Lantern, Black Lightning...
  2. Freo16

    Movie DC Extended Universe - News, updates and discussion

    Ezra won’t be anywhere near the press tour I don’t think, the “star” of that sort of stuff will be Keaton and the rest of the cast I think
  3. Freo16

    Movie DC Extended Universe - News, updates and discussion

    I’ll be seeing the film regardless, I don’t really see what boycotting it will achieve at this point I think it’s already been confirmed that WB have or will sack Ezra after this film, so whether I see it or not, it won’t change what Ezra has done nor will it help him in anyway
  4. Freo16

    Movie DC Extended Universe - News, updates and discussion

    I’ve been pretty excited about having Keaton back but I honestly wouldn’t mind keeping Batfleck as the main dceu Batman and maybe having Keaton do a Batman beyond kind of thing, as long as we don’t “restore the Snyderverse”, the cast was great but I don’t want a murderer Batman and a depressed...
  5. Freo16

    Movie DC Extended Universe - News, updates and discussion

    Affleck is only returning for Aquaman 2 as the flash was suppose to come out before that and now it won’t make sense to have Keaton in Aquaman 2 before the Flash With Batgirl being canned though, it does make you wonder what they’ll do with The Flash considering Ezra Millers issues
  6. Freo16

    Movie DC Extended Universe - News, updates and discussion

    I agree somewhat You don’t have to do it as Marvel has done 10 Year’s ago when DC were making a Justice League film with Armie Hanmer as Batman no one was complaining about not having any solo films in the lead up One of the exciting things about Justice League was having 3 new characters...
  7. Freo16

    FTA-TV New Hulk TV series?

    I’ve still only seen the 3 TV movies from the old Hulk series but I loved them Gotta go back and watch the entire series I like this idea of Telltale making a game inspired by the TV show and Banners struggle with the monster rather than just smashing stuff as Hulk
  8. Freo16

    FTA-TV The Flash

    You're joking right? Grant Gustin (aka Barry) is the series lead, once he leaves the show ends therefore he never leaves the show Is this the first time you've watched a tv series ?
  9. Freo16

    FTA-TV Supergirl

    Anyone else feel this season is going nowhere fast ? Arrow,Flash and Legends all have had strong season villain arcs (even if the flash is really dragging out the Savitar reveal) but Supergirl feels like every ep is villain of the week and the big bad of the season was an after thought
  10. Freo16

    FTA-TV Supergirl

    Been confirmed that Superman will be back for the finale which is cool Hopefully they include him and Manhunter in the next big crossover as well
  11. Freo16

    FTA-TV Impractical Jokers

    Used to but with a DC show almost every night I haven't watched it for a few months Gotta get back into it though, it's easily one of the funniest shows I've seen
  12. Freo16

    FTA-TV The Flash

    I think the producers have said the season storyline continues through this episode But no need to watch supergirl it's another one of those 30 second crossovers like the "4 part " crossover from earlier in the season
  13. Freo16

    FTA-TV The Flash

    I like the idea of it being Barry and it makes a whole lot of sense (also since everyone thought the season 2 iron mask guy would be evil Barry) I did have an idea that the next 4 way crossover could be them fighting a version of the crime syndicate with evil versions of everyone
  14. Freo16

    FTA-TV The Flash

    Probably unlikely but I did think maybe Savitar isn't someone we already know but someone we will know in the future (what would happen if they reveal it to be some random who turns up as a friend in season 4 or 5 and a recurring plot point is knowing this person becomes Savitar) Also was this...
  15. Freo16

    FTA-TV The Flash

    Savitar could just be a villain they don't always have to have it be someone we know
  16. Freo16

    Movie DC Extended Universe - News, updates and discussion

    I reckon the angle they'll take is that Dick deserted Bruce because he started to kill and show little remorse (there's a great story there between the death of robin and the relationship between Bruce and Dick around this time so let's hope WB can get it right)
  17. Freo16

    Movie DC Extended Universe - News, updates and discussion

    Unfortunately it was for this reason that Batman never appeared on Smallville I never found this element of bvs hard to understand Even if you don't know the comics I think everyone knows enough about Batman to understand why after 20 years he'd be the kind of person he's become, if you know...
  18. Freo16

    Movie DC Extended Universe - News, updates and discussion

    As much as I love The Dark Knight and the whole trilogy I was happy to leave it behind after rises Affleck really showed how batman should be played so I'm kinda over Bale (and merging Nolans Batman into the dceu even from day one wouldn't have worked at all)
  19. Freo16

    Movie DC Extended Universe - News, updates and discussion

    If they're smart they'd just copy the animated film as there isn't really a need to alter the Jason Todd/Red Hood side of things at all for this universe And in regards to Marvel they pretty much had the next 4 years from Iron Man planned so it's somewhat similar if not exact (They claim they...
  20. Freo16

    Movie DC Extended Universe - News, updates and discussion

    If the Grayson grave didn't make it into the final theatrical or ultimate cut of bvs then it really doesn't count as being part of the story does it ? (I've thought for a while that the solo batman film will feature Jason Todds reappearance as red hood and perhaps a team up between him and...
  21. Freo16

    FTA-TV Legends Of Tomorrow

    Loving legends this season although the sooner they get rid of vixen the better Anyone else watch this on Foxtel and read the episode description which made absolutely no sense and had me pumped for a snart appearance that never happened (on that point how are we so far into this season with...
  22. Freo16

    FTA-TV Riverdale

    Only started watching this because it has Greg Berlanti (Arrow, Flash etc) as an executive producer and honestly didn't expect to like it but the story has hooked me in And even if that loses my interest I can watch it for Betty alone haha
  23. Freo16

    Movie DC Extended Universe - News, updates and discussion

    Rumour last week was that the script Terrio, Affleck and Johns had written was very good and things were moving along as planned after Afflecks departure as director (and this came from a reputable source) I don't believe for a second that Affleck wants out at least not at this stage
  24. Freo16

    Last Chance U

    Apologies for the bump but i finally got around to finishing this That last game was incredible, it did seem like the entire league (other teams, the refs, the people in charge) had it in for the team all year though It's been renewed for season 2 (which surprises me as i thought it was a...
  25. Freo16

    Movie Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24 release date)

    I don't know whether this was mostly in the ultimate cut but it was revealed that Lex was sending the messages that Bruce received that were supposedly from the wheelchair guy Lex also paid off the wheelchair guy to tell his story at the Capitol by giving him a new wheelchair which had the...
  26. Freo16

    Movie Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24 release date)

    The way I see Doomsday is that it was his backup plan and with him being paranoid he just assumes the worst and starts the process regardless (definitely a tad messy though) As for the Lex and his father relationship, I can't remember if I drew some of my own conclusions after watching 10...
  27. Freo16

    Movie Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24 release date)

    The more in depth answer is Having grown up in an abusive home where his father had complete power over him, Lex spends his adult life ensuring he is in a position of absolute power (Lexcorp) When Superman shows up and is seen as a god, saviour and has people bowing down before him Lex sees...
  28. Freo16

    Movie Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24 release date)

    I haven't watched it in a while so I'm not 100% but I remember something to do with Lexs father and how he was abusive and controlling and so therefore Lex saw superman as a god who had the power to control him (or something like this) As for Doomsday, Lex was insane and I'm pretty sure he...
  29. Freo16

    Movie Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24 release date)

    I reckon I'll end up watching it multiple times in a year, that 3 hour run time is daunting but I'd rather watch BVS than any MCU film which are basically paint by numbers superhero movies (with the exception of Cap 2 and 3) I also recently watched watchmen for probably the first time in full...