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  1. Bryce_Jersey17

    FTA-TV Doctor Who

    Storm age is the same prison where River Song ended up. It’s a small and possibly unnecessary nod to Moffat’s work
  2. Bryce_Jersey17

    FTA-TV Doctor Who

    I do too. But I never saw it on TV, and ABC iView aren’t always top notch
  3. Bryce_Jersey17

    FTA-TV Doctor Who

    I really enjoyed it. My only gripe with Jodie is that some of her words can be mumbled. I’ve never had a problem with accents but it might be just be her vocal range. I’m hard of hearing (50% deaf) so if she mumbles I can’t hear a word she says
  4. Bryce_Jersey17

    FTA-TV Doctor Who

    Do you mean Bill and Nardole? Or the new new companions with Jodie’s Doctor?
  5. Bryce_Jersey17

    FTA-TV Doctor Who

    Hopefully you've seen the last episode
  6. Bryce_Jersey17

    FTA-TV Doctor Who

    It won't be a woman. The BBC already announced/leaked months ago that thy want it to continue like David Tennant. They want the atttactive male Doctor with the Rose-like young, beautiful female companion
  7. Bryce_Jersey17

    FTA-TV Doctor Who

    If he's in the same episode of Missy that'll mean that it's the first multi-Master episode
  8. Bryce_Jersey17

    FTA-TV Doctor Who

    This must be one of the few positive reviews I've heard on the Internet. So many people hated it. Personally, I thought it was a great series, obviously a couple of hit and misses, but overall it was great. Any episodes on iview only remain there for a week unfortunately, unless you download...
  9. Bryce_Jersey17

    FTA-TV Doctor Who

    In the comments I think they say it's a fake. Although it is very spectacular. If it were the BBC doing they'd have one or two shots/speeches from a new episode. On a side note, I have a feeling they won't do anything for the 10th Anniversary. They want to imagine Doctor Who as a show that's...
  10. Bryce_Jersey17

    FTA-TV Doctor Who

    Probably finish Doctor Who, but Torchwood is nice as a little bit of a spinoff if you want
  11. Bryce_Jersey17

    FTA-TV Doctor Who

    I agree that its a massive plot hole. I dont agree that it should have even been made. It just made no sense. From memory, if you watch carefully, Missy doesnt get shot with a bolt. Rather, its a teleportation shot (probably) in order to lead into this series. If that makes sense
  12. Bryce_Jersey17

    FTA-TV Doctor Who

    Regarding the Jenna thing, she keeps changing her mind. It's getting annoying now. One month she wants to leave, and then the next she'll say she wants to stay, only for a few weeks to pass and she's back where she started.
  13. Bryce_Jersey17

    FTA-TV Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D

    Less is more, as they say ;)
  14. Bryce_Jersey17

    FTA-TV Doctor Who

    Sounds like what happened in the first two episodes. 1- Some girl complained to the BBC cos she has a mental condition that makes her pull out her hair when shes stressed to the point that she becomes bald. Apparently something like 0.02% of the lanet have this condition and the BBC should have...
  15. Bryce_Jersey17

    FTA-TV Doctor Who

    Or alternatively, just watch it tonight at 7.40 on ABC
  16. Bryce_Jersey17

    FTA-TV Doctor Who

    Tennant? He regenerated in Parting of the Ways, his last episode (a two parter) of the normal seasons, but only used it to heal himself and kept the same face. This therefore used up a regeneration. As Matt Smiths doctor says, "I had vanity issues at the time"
  17. Bryce_Jersey17

    The Big Adventure

    That's the one
  18. Bryce_Jersey17

    The Big Adventure

    My brother used to watch a show called Scorpian Island on ABC3. This just seems to be an adult version of it.
  19. Bryce_Jersey17

    FTA-TV Doctor Who

    In the chronological numbering, yes. Well... Tennant was the Eleventh AND Twelfth Doctors. But in terms of actor numbering, Excleston was the Ninth actor and the Ninth Doctor. Tennant was the Tenth. It all comes down to personal preference, but the actor numbering (with John Hurt as the War...
  20. Bryce_Jersey17

    FTA-TV Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D

    you were saying? :P
  21. Bryce_Jersey17

    FTA-TV Doctor Who

    I completely agree. Has to be one of my favourite episodes of all actually.
  22. Bryce_Jersey17

    FTA-TV Doctor Who

    I wish they'd stuck with the 7b "Nebula" graphics for longer. But I like the graphics, but not the music. Too much of a synthesiser for my liking
  23. Bryce_Jersey17

    FTA-TV Doctor Who

    They do. They have to have the Daleks feature on screen at least once a season, in order to retain the right to continue using them. It's all because when Doctor Who had its massive hiatus, the guy who designed the villains handed down the rights to his family and they struck a bargain with the...
  24. Bryce_Jersey17

    FTA-TV Doctor Who

    "I'll probably blame the English" Pissed myself laughing at this. My family thinks I'm a nutcase now
  25. Bryce_Jersey17

    FTA-TV Doctor Who

    Yes and no. In the long run, probably not. But it's good to use his age to tell where he is in terms if a timeline. It helped in Matt Smith's Day of the Moon where two Doctors of two different ages appeared. It can also be used when placing David Tennants doctor in circumstances like the 50th...
  26. Bryce_Jersey17

    FTA-TV Doctor Who

    In The Day of the Doctor, Eleven does say "1200 something. Unless I'm lying. That's how old I am, I don't know if I'm lying or not". Russel T Davies stuck The Doctor in the 900's, however, Tom Baker (I think) says he was 900 yrs old as well
  27. Bryce_Jersey17

    FTA-TV Sherlock

    I haven't seen the latest series. Only just got back from a cruise so I didn't have internet or anything :(. As for the writer, Mark Gatiss is a wonderful writer, as is Moffat (although he can be hit and miss). I think its a mixture of writers, actors and trying to live up to the hype the fans...
  28. Bryce_Jersey17

    FTA-TV Sherlock

    It tends to happen with three show british shows. Episode One and Three are great, but the second tends to slip a little bit.
  29. Bryce_Jersey17

    FTA-TV Doctor Who

    Pretty sure that was the 9th Doctor...:p;)
  30. Bryce_Jersey17

    FTA-TV Ads that piss you off (3)

    I love when he says "Geez!". It looks like he wants to punch someone for not letting him say "Mother*..."