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  1. peetoo

    Conspiracy Theory Random conspiracy stories & chatter

    Alien visitors appear to have given up on us. Millenia ago they made stuff for us These days they just moon sad individuals
  2. peetoo

    Conspiracy Theory Random conspiracy stories & chatter

    Some ‘news’ flipped through Facebook they found a pyramid in australia
  3. peetoo

    Conspiracy Theory Random conspiracy stories & chatter

    But not a conspiracy? So we have an era where environment particularly industrial damages us subltly tether than kill us or incapacitate us in previous eras. Interestingly a male produces sperm constantly so conditions which can be passed on genetically can happen any time. Whereas female eggs...
  4. peetoo

    Conspiracy Theory Random conspiracy stories & chatter

    Der what?
  5. peetoo

    Conspiracy Theory Random conspiracy stories & chatter

    A conspiracy to make men’s meat and two veg shrink until they are useless. Intergenerationally by the way. Must have started when there were literally no women in power
  6. peetoo

    Conspiracy Theory Random conspiracy stories & chatter

    I had to share…now where’s my tape measure
  7. peetoo

    Mega Thread The Flat Earth Mega thread.

    It seemed flat earth was a little weird cult right through time
  8. peetoo

    Mega Thread The Flat Earth Mega thread. Maybe been posted already A bit like the Shakespeare authorship question. Raised centuries later
  9. peetoo

    Conspiracy Theory The 15 minute city

    Maybe it’s time for forced sterilisation.
  10. peetoo

    Conspiracy Theory The 15 minute city

    Cos the Chinese populace had so much freedom historically. Also read about parish and workhouse system in the UK history
  11. peetoo

    Conspiracy Theory The 15 minute city

    So the polar opposite to the 15/20 minute city concept is huge numbers of workers spending a quarter of the working seek in transit Which was getting longer and longer as cities sprawled further and further? I’m sure those stuck in mega traffic jams felt they were exercising their freedom oh...
  12. peetoo

    Conspiracy Theory The 15 minute city

    At least we have someone who understands the conspiracy in house And Wyndham have been failing their incoming residents with services since the Westgate was built
  13. peetoo

    Conspiracy Theory The 15 minute city

    Our cpraoperty capitalist seemed to think we could build offices and workplaces higher in CBD and go further and further out for people’s homes. They don’t get the leverage in Doncaster that they do in cbd. They will in future but they want their profits now Covid lockdowns was the tide that...
  14. peetoo

    Conspiracy Theory The 15 minute city

    It’s about the mass stupidity of so many people wasting hours commuting daily. And the lockdowns proved most of it unneccesary
  15. peetoo

    Conspiracy Theory The Russell Brand thread

    Is it Brand Kathryn Ryan referred to? Thanks to ABC and Ch7 running lots of ‘would I lie to you’ old episodes and similar I saw a couple of jokes about brand which have more meaning now
  16. peetoo

    Conspiracy Theory The 15 minute city

    Nazis invented developed some great things, but were horrible on balance
  17. peetoo

    Conspiracy Theory The 15 minute city

    Apparently over half of Melbourne high school students don’t attend the closest high school Bakeries and hairdressers. You don’t attend them every day
  18. peetoo

    Conspiracy Theory The 15 minute city

    Cheaper to shop in the next city
  19. peetoo

    Conspiracy Theory The 15 minute city

    Crackpot traffic schemes in British cities? Been going on for decades
  20. peetoo

    Conspiracy Theory The 15 minute city

    Not only has this concept been hard to achieve in practice, it’s now a conspiracy theory Beggars belief that in th UK they stood and watched more public cctv installed than can be monitored practically, thousands decided their conspiracy is real...