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  1. snrub

    Ireland need to take action against the injustice of the France match

    A player deliberately breaks a cardinal rule of the game. Not an accident. A deliberate act. And we all stand back and exonerate him and blame the referee. And by the way, careful with calling people or their opinions "stupid" as that is not kosha.
  2. snrub

    Ireland need to take action against the injustice of the France match

    Okay then, a natural extension... if a player (pick a sport, any sport) takes performance enhancing drugs, is he cheating or is it the responsibility of the authorities to catch him? It's not his job to own up to the drugs or to volunteer for a drug test.
  3. snrub

    Ireland need to take action against the injustice of the France match

    If I was French, I would not want him as my national captain. Stripping him of that honour will be punishment enough.