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  1. iDon

    The Official Week 17 'I have no internet so this is the best you get' Thread

    Blackout restrictions on NBA league pass....Anyone else have that?
  2. iDon

    The Official Week 13 Thread...We're Halfway There

    Nah the GM said he wasn't informed beforehand. He clearly had nothing to do with it. lulz
  3. iDon

    The Official NBA Week 1 Thread

    Bad beat Bass, bad beat. Who is this Cole? I've been watching for 10mins and must have seen 3 shots from him.
  4. iDon

    The Official NBA Week 1 Thread

    what a choke from the bucks.
  5. iDon

    The Official NBA Week 1 Thread

    Jennings - does the bloke know how to land on his feet? 3 drives I reckon he has had and all 3 times he has landed on his toosh. Was tossing up between the Bog Bucks or the Clipper train to support and chose the clips. I feel dirty to not follow an Aussie but maybe I could support two teams...
  6. iDon

    The Official BigFooty NBA Christmas (Boxing) Day Tipoff 2011 thread

    which game to watch?
  7. iDon

    The Official BigFooty NBA Christmas (Boxing) Day Tipoff 2011 thread

    Billups - more passes, less shots. Is it wrong if I call my kid DeAndre?
  8. iDon

    The Official BigFooty NBA Christmas (Boxing) Day Tipoff 2011 thread

    Lamar just angryyyyyyy Not sureive seen anyone else other then Le Bron shoot
  9. iDon

    The Official Bigfooty NBA 2011-12 off season thread

    where is this cheaper pass?
  10. iDon

    What NBA team should I barrack for??

    From today?
  11. iDon

    What NBA team should I barrack for??

    For those that suggest a team, a team that I like and think its the team to follow, I promise not to hit you with a red on the main board *may or may not be true
  12. iDon

    What NBA team should I barrack for??

    I need a team. I have followed the league here and there for 5 years or so. BUt with foxtel at my new house I have a lot more time on my hands to watch games and keep up with the going on's. So who should I go for? I love the excitement of Griffen and they are quite young, maybe the Clippers?
  13. iDon

    Who plays Basketball???

    Moved into Reffing down in Frankston after moving from the country. Still play a little but living at Uni there are more interesting sporting events to play