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  1. Liam Boy

    Did Gil just put mergers back on the agenda?

    No, last time we played all our home games in Melbourne was 2011. We didn't sell any games interstate between 2008 when we'd rejected the push to relocate but still had a contract at Carrara, and 2012 when we started playing games in Hobart.
  2. Liam Boy

    Tasmania Congratulations on Tassie License. Mens team to enter 2028. Womens team TBA. Other details TBA 3/5

    I've got an even better idea: The St. Northwestern Essencarlwoodmondthornbourne Bullsaintkangmagblubombtigemonawks. Just one club for everyone in Melbourne! Hundreds of thousands of members! Guaranteed to be financially secure forever!
  3. Liam Boy

    The Cut the Teams/Too Many Teams in Victoria thread

    As long as we could get fidel castro on board
  4. Liam Boy

    The Cut the Teams/Too Many Teams in Victoria thread

    I see a lot of people in here saying there are too many teams in Melbourne, very little explanation of why that is. Maybe you should explain that before you start talking about the future prospects of the North-Western Saint-Demons or whatever.
  5. Liam Boy

    Apple Isle Showdown: Tas Govt threatens to end Hawks, North deals if no plan for 19th side

    Did you ever consider maybe watching your football club get killed might cause one to have an interest in the mechanics of this sort of thing?
  6. Liam Boy

    Apple Isle Showdown: Tas Govt threatens to end Hawks, North deals if no plan for 19th side

    There's no deal that would've been attractive enough to make the crowds at Dallas Brooks Hall go home. 1. The club belongs to the members 2. The members don't want the club to relocate 3. There is no third step, that's the end of this story
  7. Liam Boy

    Apple Isle Showdown: Tas Govt threatens to end Hawks, North deals if no plan for 19th side

    ??? he came back and played for North again and finished in 2005
  8. Liam Boy

    Apple Isle Showdown: Tas Govt threatens to end Hawks, North deals if no plan for 19th side

    it should be a rule that anyone proposing the death (merger/relocation) of a club offers up their own club first. if it's totally fine for existing supporters to support a rebranded entity, should be no issue right?
  9. Liam Boy

    Apple Isle Showdown: Tas Govt threatens to end Hawks, North deals if no plan for 19th side

    They couldn't just introduce a new club called Perth without stepping on the Perth Demons, which is why West Coast are called that in the first place. The AFL basically just got lucky that the old Adelaide and Fremantle clubs disbanded and their names were available.
  10. Liam Boy

    Apple Isle Showdown: Tas Govt threatens to end Hawks, North deals if no plan for 19th side

    i would suggest you mind your own club's business
  11. Liam Boy

    Apple Isle Showdown: Tas Govt threatens to end Hawks, North deals if no plan for 19th side

    shows how much attention you're paying that you couldn't even relocate us to the cities we play in
  12. Liam Boy

    What is the smallest AFL crowd you were a part of?

    Can't possibly remember a specific one. Probably this game:
  13. Liam Boy

    'Should have gone to the Gold Coast' - Let us reflect...

    It's cute that you believe your club is capable of ever even contending for a premiership again. Can't buy them anymore.
  14. Liam Boy

    'Should have gone to the Gold Coast' - Let us reflect...

    Maybe if Carlton had succeeded in its attempt to buy North Melbourne they wouldn't be such an embarrassing heap of shit now.
  15. Liam Boy

    Cap Football Department Spending

    Communism is completely a good thing, especially in a circumstance like this. I'm not sure the guys in charge down at the AFL would be capable of running it without getting greedy though.
  16. Liam Boy

    Cap Football Department Spending

    So alienate large groups of people from the game and lose supporters? Fantastic idea, especially for a game that's trying to expand.