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  1. The Sultan

    Advice on a job offer

    processing can and will be outsourced as to the decision making and meaningful accounting stuff, will always be done here.
  2. The Sultan

    Advice on a job offer

    UPDATES ???? - take the job!!!!!, in the end uni is a piece of paper that gets you and interview, unless its job specific uni just shows that you have a brain and can stick to a task…. You managed to circumvent the needing to graduate first, so drop a few subjedt, some employees will even...
  3. The Sultan

    Parents pressure - Graduate or international internship?

    Well done an good luck
  4. The Sultan

    Accounting / CPA

    More thn likely leaning towards CPA do I need to do me accounting uni degree first or would my previous finance degree and industry knowledge be enough.
  5. The Sultan

    Accounting / CPA

    Guys I have just moved into a new job, a operations analyst, basically looking at the productions and efficiency figures, finances and budget etc for a large warehouse (part of a big multinational company). anywho, i do have uni degree, a bachelor of business (finance), and a TAFE degree...
  6. The Sultan

    Tertiary and Continuing How well are Diplomas recognised overseas?

    from what i understand US = Next to impossible unless you can get sponsored by a company over there Canada - im not sure about should be easier than the USA, due to it being part of the commonwealth UK -is a right of passage, there are more aussies working pubs etc over there than here...