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  1. The Sultan

    BigFooty DT Division 19 2011

    In new team name, now: El Pollo Loco
  2. The Sultan

    2011 - Registration for BF DT Leagues for last years BF league members

    interest again: League: cant remember around 20 odd Team Name: Sultans of Swing (though this year will be el Pollo Loco) Ranking 2010: 8339 Score 2010: 45,290 can provide screen shot if necessary.
  3. The Sultan

    BigFooty DT Division 20

    Re: BigFooty Division 20 Sultans of Swing....
  4. The Sultan

    2009 BigFooty Div 16

    Top ten finish at a minimum for thsi league
  5. The Sultan

    BigFooty Div 16 - Now Finalised

    Re: BigFooty Div 16 - Now Filling yep, count me in.
  6. The Sultan

    BigFooty Div 15 - league full

    Re: BigFooty Div 15 - now filling confirming. or am i too late.
  7. The Sultan

    Returning bigfooty division players confirmation thread.

    will be strapping on the boots again, count me in. team - Sultans of Swing
  8. The Sultan

    The OFFICIAL DreamTeam Division 2 League thread

    from what i have worked out i am 88 points down (against "The Dynasty") going into next week, will be my Ablett (cap), Swan, and Corey vs his Bartel, Burton, Bock, and Milbune. think it will go down to the wire.
  9. The Sultan

    The OFFICIAL DreamTeam Division 2 League thread

    down to 4. rioli out for more trading barring injury, team is as good as i can get it, all position pretty much gunned out bar back line which has let me down all year.
  10. The Sultan

    The OFFICIAL DreamTeam Division 2 League thread

    how did you find out how many trades each team had left??
  11. The Sultan

    The OFFICIAL DreamTeam Division 2 League thread

    two trades this week, down to 5, cashed in a few cows and briught in Urqhart, and armfiled. plan to upgrade a few midcarders to guns over the next few weeks.
  12. The Sultan

    The OFFICIAL DreamTeam Division 2 League thread

    though i had a great start (read above), and crack 2000 for the first time this year, I still lost my league game by 20 odd points (fcuking alan didak). a real kick in the crotch. Back line still letting me down.
  13. The Sultan

    The OFFICIAL DreamTeam Division 2 League thread

    no trades this week holding onto my last 7 trades until rookies go up in value. and pick up a few bargins round 16-18. if looking comforable in top 8 will try and leave 3-4 trades going into finals, if looking shaking may use them up to push into top 8 and hope for no injuries. Good start to...
  14. The Sultan

    The OFFICIAL DreamTeam Division 2 League thread

    phew!!! beat smooth keminal (gavin) by 5 points, very lucky due to good captain choices Ablett, who i traded in this week, also two zero were covered by my bench players.
  15. The Sultan

    The OFFICIAL DreamTeam Division 2 League thread

    9 trades left, with ablett to be traded in this week, plan to have 4 up my sleave come finals(if i make it)
  16. The Sultan

    The OFFICIAL DreamTeam Division 2 League thread

    WHOOOOO chalk up my first victory, scored 1767 beat Blue Cheese Muffin (Matthew), also won my eliminator...
  17. The Sultan

    The OFFICIAL DreamTeam Division 2 League thread

    without revealing too much info. what is everyone theory on dealing with hall (for those who have him), this is banking on at least a 6 week holiday. 1- bench him and field a Rioli, Hill or Gamble 2- Downgrade to a rookie, play a Rioli or Hill, and upgrade somewhere else. 3- upgrade to an...
  18. The Sultan

    The OFFICIAL DreamTeam Division 2 League thread

    well done to all.... lets work our way into the top 10 next week.
  19. The Sultan

    The OFFICIAL DreamTeam Division 2 League thread

    1909 realistic tiger beat me by 46
  20. The Sultan

    The OFFICIAL DreamTeam Division 2 League thread

    cant beleive im saying this but having big cox as captain hurt me (wont hold a grudge though) but had chappy as capatin all week then changed late friday think i may need to do another 3-4 trades over the next few weeks to try and stabalise my team a bit not performing as well as i hoped.
  21. The Sultan

    The OFFICIAL DreamTeam Division 2 League thread

    Chalk me down for two trades
  22. The Sultan

    The OFFICIAL DreamTeam Division 2 League thread

    1853 - ok score hurt by the cornes, and riewoldt. thankfully i reconsidered and did not trade out hall and gibbs. let the trading beign,
  23. The Sultan

    The OFFICIAL DreamTeam Division 2 League thread

    As were not going head to head yet suppose we can relveale captains and trades.... Myself - No trades. Captain = Big cox VC = Chapman but may switch them before cut off yet to decside
  24. The Sultan

    The OFFICIAL DreamTeam Division 2 League thread

    am thinking Dalzeill for Geary. but might give it one more week....
  25. The Sultan

    The OFFICIAL DreamTeam Division 2 League thread

    giving everyone a sporting headstart i presume???
  26. The Sultan

    The OFFICIAL DreamTeam Division 2 League thread

    1698 - with 8 under 60 pts inlc 3 zeros. no injuries, but was hurt by the 3 zeros on the field but should be able to work around that by knowing the squads on thursday night not that fussed just glad that i got my team in, did it 12 hours prior to cut off as i know it is near impossible to...
  27. The Sultan

    The OFFICIAL DreamTeam Division 2 League thread

    BACKS C.Cornes (capt) Bowden Shaw Mattner Nicoski Proud Selwood Pfeffier Hanson CENTRES K.Cornes Swan Gibbs Stevens Bird Dalzel Palmer Morton RUCKS Cox Simmonds Kruzer Leuenberger FORWARDS Chapman Pav Riewoldt Brown Hall Porplyzia Hawkins Tippett Rioli
  28. The Sultan

    The OFFICIAL DreamTeam Division 2 League thread

    yet to see the league code so pm or email me please, team name is "Sultans of Swing"
  29. The Sultan

    The OFFICIAL DreamTeam Division 2 League thread

    that sucks a Johncock, you could always let "a friend" do a team on your behalf. but then again i work for NAB and was allowed to enter the footy tipping. i emailed them and they said it was ok. Good luck
  30. The Sultan

    Decision on promotion/relegation

    Good idea Rota.