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  1. R

    360 XBOX 360 News(Articles, Accessories, and everything else)

    Let's hope they can, but I just have that sick feeling that developers will be forced to adopt Kinect into their game titles at the detriment to the game itself. It seems the general concensus is that most people won't be getting Kinect anyway, either due to the exorbitant price or the fact...
  2. R

    360 XBOX 360 News(Articles, Accessories, and everything else)

    Is it me or is Microsoft losing touch with it's core market, in a bid to try and cash in on the success of the Nintendo Wii? I can't beleive that they think that people are going to shell out $200.00 for an accessory that is designed to appeal to the casual gamer, when you can just go and buy...
  3. R

    Risk! Factions

    Get online Ant, thats where the fun is to be had. Hopefully they bring out some additional content as well.
  4. R

    Risk! Factions

    For all of you lovers of the board game Risk!, the new game Risk! Factions is now available for download on Xbox Live. Played it last night and quite an enjoyable game. Risk! Factions is an updated version of the classic board game, but also includes a Classic version as well for all the...
  5. R

    EB Games and price matching policy... only stores in the city.

    If you don't mind an extra 20 minute drive, just go to Eastland. They have JB, Game, EB, Big W, Dick Smith, Gametraders and KMart. The only store not there is Harvey Norman. Unless using the 3 for 1 trade at JB, I find the staff at Game really helpful and have never been refused a price...
  6. R

    Red Dead Redemption

    Just pre-ordered this game today for $65 and can't wait for it to finally come out. If your looking forward to a cheap copy of Red Dead get yourself a $25 copy of Dark Void from Kmart and trade it to Game plus $40 for a copy of Red Dead. Not expecting Dark Void to be on the trade list for...
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    Multiplat Mass Effect 2

    Hi Everyone, Just another question on equipping weapons. I see that in ME2 they have ditched the rating system for each weapon, where you could compare stats between each variant, is this right or am I just missing something? All I get in ME2 is a description and weapon bonuses, but no...
  8. R

    Multiplat Mass Effect 2

    Cheers thanks for the info. I am only just passed the mission on Freedom. The ability to chose weapons must come after that.
  9. R

    Multiplat Mass Effect 2

    Quick question to everyone..... In ME1 there was an equipment tab where you could allocate weapons to each party member, in ME2 this seems to have disappeared? How do I allocate specific weapons and amour to each party member or are they just given the best available weapon as a default?
  10. R

    E3 Announcements

  11. R

    E3 Announcements

    A toilet brush is useful, but doesn't mean I would want to be one ;) I'm sure he will be here soon to tell us all how wonderful the PS3 is:thumbsu:
  12. R

    E3 Announcements

    Funny how you bring up the motion sensing control. From all reports Sony's attempt was nothing short of poor and the comment was made that it was a rush job because they didn't want to be left behind (something they seem good at doing lately). The fact that Kojima a confessed Sony fanboy is...
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    E3 Announcements

    Don't burst Kerrby's bubble! LOL GT5 might be an exclusive, but if Sony is true to form we might see it hit the shelves in 2020.
  14. R

    E3 Announcements

    Final Fantasy XIV is a MMORPG..... whoopee shit! If that's one of there big announcements they are pretty much saying we have nothing LOL
  15. R

    Resident Evil 5

    Just go to Game, Big W or KMart and pick up 2 bargain games and trade them for RE5. I picked up a copy of History Channel Battles and Superbike World Championship for $50. I also picked up Colin Macrae Dirt for $30 but decided I wanted to keep it. So for $80 I got RE5 and Dirt, not a bad...
  16. R

    Scariest games you've played

    Has anyone played Dead Space? I haven't played it but have heard from friends that it is quite scary. Just suprised it hasn't been mentioned yet.
  17. R

    XBOX 360 News(Articles, Accessories, and everything else)

    Seems that Americans are obsessed with their online ranking, more than the actual competition of playing the game. I play a little bit of Tiger Woods '09 online when I get some spare time and you are constantly competing against Americans who use cheat codes to MAX their stats out. They also...
  18. R

    Resident Evil 5 Demo

    It comes so naturally to him though ;) Don't worry Mad being a noob, is much better than being a self opinionated knob polisher.
  19. R

    XBOX 360 News(Articles, Accessories, and everything else)

    Seem's the PS3 Fanboys are getting a bit nervous! If Microsoft keep selling machines at the rate they are, I can actually see Killzone 2 coming to XBOX360 LOL! Its started with Final Fantasy XIII, who's the next franchise to jump? I'm sure HBK and Kerrby will find some other way to...
  20. R

    XBOX 360 News(Articles, Accessories, and everything else)

    My point exactly! Why can't people enjoy their consoles for what they are? If you don't like a console is there really a need to go slagging it off? Just smacks of someone trying to justify why they have the other console. Newsflash: enjoy the console you have and stop bitching about...
  21. R

    XBOX 360 News(Articles, Accessories, and everything else)

    Why do fanboys feel they need to justify their console by running down another console? Do you have the need to feel accepted HBK, is your PS3 a status symbol to you? Is owning a PS3 compensating for some shortcommings you may have? ;)
  22. R

    XBOX 360 News(Articles, Accessories, and everything else)

    Not going to add to the fanboy war, but being a person who was initially sceptical about xbox live and thought it was a feature I would never use, I can honestly say I couldn't live without it. It's great being able to test games by downloading playable demos and I really enjoy playing Tiger...