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  1. briztoon

    Europe War in Ukraine

    ~12,000 reportedly.
  2. briztoon

    Europe War in Ukraine

    Watching CNN news, and they are interviewing a Republican senator, and he’s making the case to sanction Chinese businesses that are helping Russia to back door sanctions.
  3. briztoon

    Europe War in Ukraine

    They also have; higher density housing and one tenth the medium income, which also contribute to lower vehicle ownership. I’m curious if more people in towns and cities live in high density apartment blocks, or older style townhouses, as opposed to single houses on blocks of land.
  4. briztoon

    Europe War in Ukraine

    It was about setting precedent. As the article mentioned, now Russia can just ignore all western intellectual property, and copy what ever they want.
  5. briztoon

    Europe War in Ukraine

    Ok. I’m just going off the reports from yesterday that it was a Russian drone.
  6. briztoon

    Europe War in Ukraine

    lol, if it’s 35 outside, my wife puts the aircon on 27, then puts a jacket on. Genuinely, that’s about the only thing we have “discussions” about.
  7. briztoon

    Europe War in Ukraine

    I actually really appreciate such insights, while it might be a tangent, it still relates back to how sanctions will impact Russia, and potentially bring about the end of the war or downfall of Putin.
  8. briztoon

    Europe War in Ukraine

    That genuinely surprises me.
  9. briztoon

    Europe War in Ukraine

    It was a Russian drone.
  10. briztoon

    Europe War in Ukraine

    Mate, you see them everywhere in real life to. I know personally know a few from school, Uni, social circles.
  11. briztoon

    Europe War in Ukraine

    No sure how much news you read, but yes, sanctioning China is already being discussed for potential sanction busting of various industries. It’s also mentioned in the supposed FSB letters, about why China won’t support Russia in certain areas.
  12. briztoon

    Europe War in Ukraine

    You sound like a QLDer.
  13. briztoon

    Europe War in Ukraine

    Yay numbers!
  14. briztoon

    Europe War in Ukraine

    Moscow has about 13 million people living in a city that is one quarter the size of Melbourne in area. So two and half times the population in one quarter of the area. If the “average” Muscovite had a comparable income to say the average Melbournian, their city would be in a permanent state of...
  15. briztoon

    Europe War in Ukraine

    Cuba survived because they were supplied by the old Soviet Union, Vietnam and China. If you read the whole Russian Economy thread, you’d understand the “old ways” no longer exist in the new Russia (and China) because they’ve integrated their industries in to the western chain of supply. As...
  16. briztoon

    Europe War in Ukraine

    Let’s see, Morrison held off starting his first lockdown, which he announced on a Thursday or Friday (can’t remember which), until the following Monday, so that his church could finish holding their super rally weekend. And that’s the easy one for me to highlight. I’m sure if you went in to...
  17. briztoon

    Europe War in Ukraine

    The food they stripped from the stores before the Russians get there.
  18. briztoon

    Europe War in Ukraine

    Yeah I am aware, the actual problem they have, is not enough guns for them. A lot are training with wooden replicas.
  19. briztoon

    Europe War in Ukraine

    Something else the Ukrainians should be considering is a scorched earth policy in regards to grocery stores, supermarkets, service stations etc, in occupied areas. Don’t leave anything in the way of food or fuel for the Russians to loot. Apparently a lot of the Russian shortages are because...
  20. briztoon

    Europe War in Ukraine

    I don’t sorry. I wondered that myself. It was an interesting discussion to follow, in that it appears Putin has forgotten about all the lying, stealing, and overestimating/embellishing that he used to be a part of, when he was in the KGB and coming up the political ranks. That he believed any...
  21. briztoon

    Europe War in Ukraine

    They mostly vote Green.
  22. briztoon

    Europe War in Ukraine

    Again, I’ll admit that I haven’t read everything posted since I got off last night. I’m 4 hours behind of Sydney/Melbourne time. So I’m following stuff on Twitter and CNN long after most of you have gone to bed. Last night, it was reported that one of the FSB arrests were made because said...
  23. briztoon

    Europe War in Ukraine

    There’s a couple of layers to this. Poland didn’t want to be seen directly arming Ukraine with fighter jets. So they wanted to “gift” the planes to the US, who would then hand them to Ukraine. The pentagon said they recommended against the polish planes, as Ukraine still has 56 operational...
  24. briztoon

    Europe War in Ukraine

    I’m curious what you believe the average Russian income is? It’s probably only the top 10% who can afford everything you listed. When a country has 150 million people, and you see similar amounts of cars and nicely dressed people, that what we see in Australia, it’s easy to believe they have...
  25. briztoon

    Europe War in Ukraine

    News flash, that’s misinformation garbage that’s spouted and perpetuated by the right. First, Jewish Bankers and Zionists ruling political parties from the shadows is a QAnon, right wing conspiracy. That’s not a leftie conspiracy. My family are hardcore lefties, paid up Labor and unionists...
  26. briztoon

    Europe War in Ukraine

    I was reading yesterday’s Pentagon briefing, and it mentioned that Russian losses represented about 10% of the troops and equipment that was arrayed outside Ukraine before the invasion. It also mentioned Ukrainian losses were slightly less that 10% (I inferred somewhere between 8% and 9%), from...
  27. briztoon

    Europe War in Ukraine

    They reportedly sent in 180k to 190k troops. 10% casualties would be 18k+.