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  1. LB#16

    Traded #13: Orazio Fantasia - Off to Carlton as a delisted free agent, scored a 2 year deal?

    I can't confirm but similarly during his first home game against Essendon he grabbed his Port jumper with vigour.
  2. LB#16

    Traded #13: Orazio Fantasia - Off to Carlton as a delisted free agent, scored a 2 year deal?

    Precisely. Orazio wanting out with his habit of always being injured and being a poor leader was a blessing in disguise.
  3. LB#16

    Delisted #39: Pat Voss - Stiff Armed by Essendon on Oct 25. Refer to #556

    Stringer out, oh no.... Bah GAWD, that's Pat Voss' music!
  4. LB#16

    Traded #30: Patrick Ryder - Returns to the club as Indigenous Player Development Manager

    We found out he was leaving in the week of the 2014 elimination final. The only realistic chance we had of winning one since 2004. Can't forgive him for that shit timing just yet I'm afraid.
  5. LB#16

    Delisted #33: Brayden "Donny" Ham - not offered another contract - 18/10

    The immovable object.
  6. LB#16

    Retired #43: Anthony "Walla" McDonald-Tipungwuti - Will play his last game this weekend - 24/8

    Currently have this in my office with a member sticker over the gambleresponsibly logo. Will always do it for you Tippa 🤟
  7. LB#16

    Traded #42: Massimoe D'Ambrosioe - Thank you for your service

    The Hangar will from now forth be known as "L'Aeroporto".
  8. LB#16

    Traded #42: Massimoe D'Ambrosioe - Thank you for your service

    All the beanies released from New Era have grey.
  9. LB#16

    Traded #42: Massimoe D'Ambrosioe - Thank you for your service

    Is it the club or the AFL that require the merchandise to have that awful grey in it? Makes us look like Saints supporters, my pet hate.
  10. LB#16

    Coaching Staff Former Coach Ben "Truck" Rutten - Sacked for real this time - 21/8

    You're not wrong. I have listened to this and all the Brasher videos and they're all merely PR exercises to ensure they don't lose a large chunk of the disillusioned members for at least this year. It's still good to hear the right words even if it doesn't guarantee anything will change. I enjoy...
  11. LB#16

    Traded #30: Brandon Zerk-Thatcher - 🚨 traded to the Pear, thanks for your service

    A lot of people here are a bit quick to quit on the Zerk. Needs a proper run at it, was in the team in round one before his naughty sleepover ruined any hope he had. Needs to play 15+ games in 2021 to establish himself.
  12. LB#16

    Coaching Staff Senior Coach: John Worsfold - Thank you John

    Are 'gains' the same as 'learnings'?
  13. LB#16

    Retired #45: Conor McKenna ☘️ - Returning to the AFL to play with Brisbane - 17/11

    No-one on this board is content with Essendon finishing middle table. Everyone is frustrated and angry year after year. It was an odd thing to say.
  14. LB#16

    Free Agent # 6: Joe Daniher (part 1)

    "I'm not crying, okay? I'm allergic to jerks!"
  15. LB#16

    Coaching Staff Former Coach Ben "Truck" Rutten - Sacked for real this time - 21/8

    Not to mention they are taking the piss if they charge more than $50 for a grand final guarantee add on (like they did this year, $75 wtf) and then tell us "it's a transition year" when things fall apart.
  16. LB#16

    Coaching Staff Senior Coach: John Worsfold - Thank you John

    Tom Browne is running with the succession plan theory.
  17. LB#16

    Traded #10: Aaron Francis - Traded to Sydney w. Pick 42 + Future fourth rounder for Pick 37. Thanks Frang!

    Memberships are not available yet. They're not going to do a big re-signing announcement, sending social media into a frenzy without the possibility it leading to people signing up on the spot.
  18. LB#16

    Coaching Staff Senior Coach: John Worsfold - Thank you John

    TL;DW = We accept criticism, we're working to get better. Cliche on cliche on cliche.
  19. LB#16

    Coaching Staff Assistant Coaches 2019-20

    She's back. Remember the "they treated Knights unfairly, even though he was useless and Richmondy, they weren't fair on him, big bad Essendon :mad:" work she put out? Utter rubbish it was. She can't keep the bias out of her work. She'd have nothing to say if Richmond did the poaching.
  20. LB#16

    Coaching Staff Assistant Coaches 2019-20

    Not to mention Tippa and Raz am I right!?
  21. LB#16

    Free Agent # 6: Joe Daniher (part 1)

    So, what was the fine? I've heard some say $5k, some $20k and a lot people saying $10k. :drunk:
  22. LB#16

    Retired # 5: Devon Smith - Hanging up the boots - Thanks for everything Devon! - 12/8

    Tom Browne reporting on Twitter that he doubts Dev will play tomorrow.