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  1. kerrazy

    List Mgmt. Trade/Draft/Targets rumours 2019

    If compared to the lycett compo (pick 20), you guys got reamed.
  2. kerrazy

    Banter Dom Sheed appreciation thread

    Come on man, they are praising our boy Dom!
  3. kerrazy

    Banter Dom Sheed appreciation thread

    Why'd you have to ruin it?
  4. kerrazy

    No Oppo Supporters Brett Deledio Watch - Farewell Lids and good luck at the GWS

    Even though he is 29 turning 30 and injury prone?
  5. kerrazy

    No Oppo Supporters Brett Deledio Watch - Farewell Lids and good luck at the GWS

    Which is why I hope to god we are linked to him. Would add a lot of class to our side when he is at his best. And our midfield is absolute shit house .
  6. kerrazy

    No Oppo Supporters Brett Deledio Watch - Farewell Lids and good luck at the GWS

    With rumours of a connection with the tigers and a wa club, what is deledio worth in the eyes of a tiger??
  7. kerrazy

    Vlastuin in the guts.

    hey guys, am looking at signing him up as a defender in my draft league. What are your thoughts on what he could average? do you think he will stay as a mid, or be moved back to defense? slim pickings for defenders in my league! cheers
  8. kerrazy

    Banter Richmond V West Coast Eagles - TYRONE VICKERY APPRECIATION THREAD

    Can someone tell me: What the **** is a Richmond? Ive never heard of it, must be something irrelevant I assume.