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  1. MarcMaverick

    Analysis What nickname do we use for Taranto (poll has decided: Abs McGee!)

    "But my name is Billy" " It doesn't matter what your name is"
  2. MarcMaverick

    Analysis What nickname do we use for Taranto (poll has decided: Abs McGee!)

    Tiger Tim Or Timmy the Tiger- He's GRRREAAT!
  3. MarcMaverick

    RIP Shane Tuck

    RIP Shane. So sad to see him go at such a young age. Remember no one should be alone in this battle.
  4. MarcMaverick

    Preview JLT Series, Game 1 - Richmond vs Melbourne - Sunday March 3rd, 4:40pm, Deakin Reserve

    This is the Updated Forecast for Sunday's match. To All who are going please be careful. SSS and Drink plenty of water.
  5. MarcMaverick

    Toast RIP Tommy Hafey

    He looked like he did not age. RIP Tommy Hafey. :(:(:(