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  1. Ando727

    The reason we are loosing is...

    Because you are a team still in need of a lot of development, coaching and recruiting. Don't get carried away with getting on a roll. The same thing happened to Melbourne. Keep your eye on the big picture. These things take time and careful planning. Be wary of anything that seems to happen too...
  2. Ando727

    No difference from last year...

    lol. Yeah I was just yanking your chain there because there was such a clear counter-example to your statement in Melbourne.;) My real opinion on things is my post before that. You guys just have to realise that you are at the start of a medium to long term process. There are going to be...
  3. Ando727

    No difference from last year...

    Over two matches they could only beat Melbourne by a point overall.
  4. Ando727

    No difference from last year...

    It's exactly the same as what's happened to Melbourne. When your team gets on a run, it's easy to get seduced and think that things have suddenly changed, but change is a gradual process. It takes time to develop real character and hardness in a team - the kind that stops your team from getting...