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  1. The Flying Belgian

    Days until CARLSMEG get the flogging they so richly deserve!!!!!!

    I'm not sure what's sadder: the state of our higher education system, or the fact that despite your education you spend an inordinate amount of time on an internet forum playing a infinitally juvenile game of one-upsmanship. Or the fact you wear welching as a badge of honour.
  2. The Flying Belgian

    A Bay 13 mod goes rogue

    Good riddance to the tosser. Gives Lions supporters a bad name.
  3. The Flying Belgian

    Is Jono Brown overrated as a captain?? (Greetings from the main board)

    Re: Is Jono Brown overrated as a captain?? Always fun opening these threads and seeing which team's supporter started it. Not surprised at all. A bit cliched actually. It's like flikcing over the radio to MMM and hearing Khe Sahn.
  4. The Flying Belgian

    Buckley a Magpie - official *MB Thread*

    Re: Buckley a Magpie - official Will be interesting to see how it plays out. It seems a bit dismissive of Malthouse on face value, but we don't know the inner conversations - maybe Mich thought he only had a limited amount of time left as a senior coach. Good luck to Bucks whom I have a lot of...
  5. The Flying Belgian

    Who has the stupidest/strangest name in Footy?

    Gonna be good when it matures though.
  6. The Flying Belgian

    AFL players probed over fight

    As far as I can work out there aren't many solid facts in this story. People should consider what their reactions might be if was players from their club. Was anyone posting on this thread there? Although I must say the hypocrisy is breathtaking from one or two Collingwood posters on here...
  7. The Flying Belgian

    Jarred Brennan - try hard show off

    Re: Jarred Brennan Probably the only time I've agreed with Robert Wallls in the past 5 years was on Saturday night. He said that like Darryl White it might take him up to 50 games before he hits his straps - he's only about halfway there ATM. I'm never keen on comapring current players to past...