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  1. placebo

    Travel USA travel tips and tricks

    Going to New York mid-year for a few weeks. Can't ****ing wait. Been a dream of mine for a long time, and psyched just to get away from here and lose myself in it.
  2. placebo

    Travel Japan

    Get to Osaka for sure. Preferred it to Tokyo (which I also very much enjoyed) and Kyoto as well. Although Kyoto is great for the historical sites. If you end up in Tokyo, I'd recommend visiting the bar from Lost In Translation, 50 odd floors up, great view and live jazz music. Otherwise, I've...
  3. placebo

    Health Depression

    Think I finally might go see a doctor. Every ****ing day I wake up with a feeling of utter dread and melancholy. Just absolutely talk myself down to some pretty dark places and it's starting to worry me. I generally try to use humour to cover it up when I'm around people but I can't even be...
  4. placebo

    Food, Drink & Dining Out I regularly defend Perth, but ???????

    I gotta say, I used to be one of those defenders of Perth, but after traveling earlier in the year overseas for the first time in years, the problems here are abundantly clear. There is a great deal of potential, and not much is made of it. High prices, over-regulation, backwards laws and I...
  5. placebo

    Alcohol why is everyone obsessed with it

    What an absurd thing to say.
  6. placebo

    Health Depression

    I get the intrusive thoughts one a lot. Sometimes it's the absolute weirdest thought...but I can't get rid of it, then the more I try to get rid of it, the clearer it is in my mind and so on so forth and it just plagues my mind for ages. Absolutely frustrating.
  7. placebo

    Tea vs Coffee

    Tea, fo' sho.
  8. placebo

    Glandular Fever

    It's a **** of a disease. Some people don't feel a thing, others feel the effects for months. I had mine for about a month, and it's the worst illness I've ever had. And like bloodstanedangel, I also get exhausted for no reason sometimes. In fact, it's permanently had an effect on my fitness.
  9. placebo

    The Beep Test

    Haha. :thumbsu:
  10. placebo

    Favourite Country you have visited?

    Was a big fan of Canada and the USA.
  11. placebo

    I wan't to live in America

    Ever been? I think all the anti-americanism the rest of the world receives has made people get the impression that everyone there wants to shoot you with their guns and condemn you to hell. There are many, many places that simply aren't like that over there and that are truly lovely places...
  12. placebo

    Health Depression

    You're an idiot xfactor. Or just super ignorant. Yes, everyone goes through down times in life and everyone feels blue occasionally. But there is a huge difference between that and actual depression.
  13. placebo

    Perfect long term relationships that go sour

    Agreed Hools. The idea that we all have a soulmate or 'the one' is silly. Also agree about fairytale weddings. Nothing boggles my mind more then people spending thousands and thousands on over the top weddings and thinking it's some goddamn fairytale.
  14. placebo

    Health Depression

    Cool, when the person you love most in the whole world tries to kill themselves and you have to physically stop them literally on the brink of death, then come back and tell me it's an escape clause for bums. Until then, take your **** out of your hand and stop be an ignorant pole smoker.
  15. placebo

    A Uni Student/Bachelor/Thrifty Persons Guide To Cooking

    This thread is good. I can't cook for shit besides noodles and toast.
  16. placebo

    Is this healthy?

    Why do you persist when you are so clearly wrong? Why can't you just admit you're wrong, take on board what other people have said and then you'll have expanded your knowledge. But no, you're too damn stubborn for that. Grow up, seriously, it's just getting sad these days Mantis.
  17. placebo

    Is this healthy?

    Oh gee, there are so many over such a long period of time it's become all such a blur to me. As BG said, try search function or even her personal post history. Hilarity guaranteed. :p
  18. placebo

    Is this healthy?

    Ah, another thread where Mantis' ignorance is exposed. :thumbsu:
  19. placebo

    Is this healthy?
  20. placebo

    Is this healthy?

    This a total myth. Do not listen to this OP, it's an old wives tale.
  21. placebo

    Glandular Fever

    Had it couple years back. Worst I've ever been sick, my immune system has been shit as ever since and the doc said my immune system will never be as strong as it was before GF. I've also never quite got my fitness back 100 per cent from it either.
  22. placebo

    Health Depression

    I'm very close with a couple people that have had nearly life-ending depression. It truly is a horrible thing. And it's such a hard thing to give advice on because everyone is different. Anti-depressants have absolutely worked for some people. But not as well for others. They certainly do...
  23. placebo

    Health Depression

    Top album. :thumbsu:
  24. placebo

    New Friends

    I've been through the exact same thing. It's gotta be a gradual change. Try hanging around with a smaller group but exclude yourself from the large group. Start talking less but stay civil and eventually you'll just keep on drifting apart from each other fairly mutually.