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  1. MRB37

    Opinion Matthew Nicks: Adelaide's Coach (Part 2) - Full Support of the Board

    It does make you wonder what terms & conditions they put on that extension. Not many guys gets extended and get desperate in the same season.
  2. MRB37

    Rumour 2023 Rumours and Speculation (Rumours total 37!, 1 (busted) BIG FISH ALERT last October 9th) (9 confirmed! 17 Busted!)

    Remember the first game Matt and Brad Crouch played together in 2013 in the final round where we had zero chance to make the finals and Sando made their parents wait 3/4 of the game for them to play together by making Matt the sub?
  3. MRB37

    List Mgmt. 2024 List Mismanagement and Trading

    I think there's a way to do both, but you need to be flexible, which we rarely are. Say 1st quarter, OK Dan, you're playing a deep, heavily 1-1 defensive role on a dangerous forward. If we feel you're getting on top there and doing well we'll keep you there another quarter. Then 2nd half, we're...
  4. MRB37

    Opinion Matthew Nicks: Adelaide's Coach (Part 2) - Full Support of the Board

    I actually think he's very smart. He's certainly pulled the wool over the eyes of a number of people at the AFC.
  5. MRB37

    Review The Good, Bad and Ugly vs. Hawthorn Hawks

    Could be that too, which is even more concerning.
  6. MRB37

    Opinion Matthew Nicks: Adelaide's Coach (Part 2) - Full Support of the Board

    I wonder how frustrating it must be to continually go back to a short, slow chip kicking gameplan and then have your coach come out and voice his frustration that the players "didn't play with their usual dare" after.
  7. MRB37

    Review The Good, Bad and Ugly vs. Hawthorn Hawks

    I sometimes honestly think Smith needs to get his vision checked when you see footage like that. Feels like he's playing out there half blind or something when he's misjudging the ball that badly
  8. MRB37

    Opinion Matthew Nicks: Adelaide's Coach (Part 2) - Full Support of the Board

    It's because there's no real plan, at least long-term on how we're developing young guys. It's just get the win this week.
  9. MRB37

    Player Watch Josh Rachele - Re-Signed to End of 2029

    My guess is he's feeling pressure, he wants to have a bigger role and help the team win, but he's getting it 13 times a game spending most it sitting at half-forward. So when he does get it he's instantly in "I gotta do something special with this" and when he doesn't or can't (and gets caught...
  10. MRB37

    Opinion Matthew Nicks: Adelaide's Coach (Part 2) - Full Support of the Board

    I was thinking something today after watching Nicks presser after the Hawks game of two moments that set of mental alarms in the past. I think it was after his 2nd season and he was doing his speech at the B&F and was thanking the assistants. Then he was describing them individually without...
  11. MRB37

    Opinion Matthew Nicks: Adelaide's Coach (Part 2) - Full Support of the Board

    The club is so obsessed with PR and optics that we won't move on players when we should or have a chance and then when players do leave of their own accord we have board members publicly attack them to try and make the club seem blameless.
  12. MRB37

    Preview Changes vs. Richmond Tigers R13

    Everything from the Jack Hombsch presser screams as few changes as possible. "Back the boys to respond" rhetoric.
  13. MRB37

    Roast 6 from 17. Despite Momentum We are REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY s**t - Warning includes club criticisms

    It's bordering on delusional arrogance to think the 1st 22 you can develop and pump games into will be good enough to win a Premiership. One thing we've continually failed to do is rotate players in our 22 and continually look to get better. We've allowed the anchor of "continuity" to drag the...
  14. MRB37

    Rumour 2023 Rumours and Speculation (Rumours total 37!, 1 (busted) BIG FISH ALERT last October 9th) (9 confirmed! 17 Busted!)

    Interesting that they gave Nicks a contract extension to the same length as Simon Goodwin and have already practically guaranteed Nicks 2025 at a minimum. The pieces are all being laid for our saviour Simon Goodwin to come sweeping in to take us back to glory in the next few years.
  15. MRB37

    List Mgmt. 2024 List Mismanagement and Trading

    The best way to find out if guys don't have it is to give them chances and find out. We'll never know unless they start drawing a line in the sand and say to some of these non-performers enough is enough and see if someone else has it. Hamill is 6 years into his career, play him for the rest of...
  16. MRB37

    Preview Changes vs. Richmond Tigers R13

    I honestly think it'll just be Berry into best 22 and McHenry back as sub.
  17. MRB37

    Preview Changes vs. Richmond Tigers R13

    Crouch officially out for the rest of the year. Dowling next up?
  18. MRB37

    Opinion Matthew Nicks: Adelaide's Coach (Part 2) - Full Support of the Board

    "This group has performed well in the past and they deserve a chance to respond to last weeks performance" Then beat an undermanned Richmond side and they've got the credits in the bank to see out another month at least.
  19. MRB37

    Rumour 2023 Rumours and Speculation (Rumours total 37!, 1 (busted) BIG FISH ALERT last October 9th) (9 confirmed! 17 Busted!)

    Nope, but people just look at it from a simple "Richmond held onto Hardwick after thinking about firing him and he won a Premiership, so we should too!" POV.
  20. MRB37

    Strategy Who should be our next coach?

    I highly doubt the SANFL coach has the autonomy to decide above the senior coach and development manager on who plays where. If he's playing FB it's because as a group they've decided it's the best place for him. They seem to have the idea to continually play guys to their weaknesses as a way to...
  21. MRB37

    Rumour 2023 Rumours and Speculation (Rumours total 37!, 1 (busted) BIG FISH ALERT last October 9th) (9 confirmed! 17 Busted!)

    I'm still seeing plenty of "Hardwick won a Premiership in his 7th year, you gotta stay strong and stay the course" comments on Twitter like that's the norm and not the outlier.
  22. MRB37

    Opinion Matthew Nicks: Adelaide's Coach (Part 2) - Full Support of the Board

    There will be with a coach looking to have another West Coast-esque flat track bully performance at home to try and take some heat off.
  23. MRB37

    Opinion Matthew Nicks: Adelaide's Coach (Part 2) - Full Support of the Board

    You can almost guarantee the approach next year will be to dump someone like Burns and throw a ton of cash at Ben Rutten to move back (maybe with a promise of if Nicks doesn't work out...).
  24. MRB37

    Opinion Matthew Nicks: Adelaide's Coach (Part 2) - Full Support of the Board

    I think the biggest thing showing again is we've repeatedly put rookies in key positions at the club (Head of Football, Senior Coach etc) and they've been found to be average at best and woefully out of their depth at worst. No matter what happens with Nicks and Kelly, under no circumstances...
  25. MRB37

    Game Day Hawthorn vs Adelaide at the MCG, Rnd 12 - Do or Die

    Same thing happened in the 2015 Semi Final.
  26. MRB37

    Preview Changes vs. Richmond Tigers R13

    He can't drop Rachele without applying the same standards to a few others as well.
  27. MRB37

    Game Day Hawthorn vs Adelaide at the MCG, Rnd 12 - Do or Die

    Nicks continually wants to play perfect football until we have no choice but to play risky and amazingly that's when we look our best. Fine, you can't play like that all the time, but do we consistently have to wait two and a bit quarters and get down by 20-30 points before we pull the trigger?
  28. MRB37

    Game Day Hawthorn vs Adelaide at the MCG, Rnd 12 - Do or Die

    Laird thinking goes "I could do a low kick straight onto Rachele's chest, or I could moon it, make him jump and give the Hawthorn player a chance to spoil....option 2 it is!"
  29. MRB37

    Game Day Hawthorn vs Adelaide at the MCG, Rnd 12 - Do or Die

    They cut it short. Built the first 22 they could and decided "That's enough of that" and tried to ride it into a finals birth.
  30. MRB37

    Game Day Hawthorn vs Adelaide at the MCG, Rnd 12 - Do or Die

    We'll reset. Hawks just waltz with it from the square to about 40 metres out.