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  1. mr_cellotape

    Round 3, 2015 - Vent Thread Strikes Back

    One of the few memorable plays of the game for me was when Robinson snuffed out a Richmond forward push by diving on the ball and knocking it free. The guy has serious limitations for sure, but if most of our list showed the heart and toughness that he does we'd be a better side.
  2. mr_cellotape

    Review Round 2, 2015 - North Melbourne vs Brisbane Lions

    Whatever he does, he needs to get some presence about him. I find it extremely hard to believe that he's actually the 190cm that he's listed at because he's useless at contesting the ball in the air. I'm not of the mind that he's a bad player but I also don't see what he's really supposed to...
  3. mr_cellotape

    Soundwave 2015

    What the hell sort of announcement was that? I've still got my ticket, but this is a trainwreck compared to last year's lineup.
  4. mr_cellotape

    Siege in Martin Place, Sydney

    I'd be taking any of these reports with an entire salt shaker. Pure speculation until the police call a presser.
  5. mr_cellotape

    Siege in Martin Place, Sydney

    On the live stream you could make out one of the cops falling over in the doorway just after they go in. Wouldn't be surprised if that officer took a hit.
  6. mr_cellotape

    Siege in Martin Place, Sydney

    Flashbangs, if that's what was used, would stuff up your equilibrium and leave you unable to walk properly, hopefully that explains all the stretchers. Time will tell I guess. Thank **** it's over at least.
  7. mr_cellotape

    Siege in Martin Place, Sydney

    That's a whole lot of stretchers, and a few people being resuscitated. Fingers crossed...
  8. mr_cellotape

    Siege in Martin Place, Sydney

    There was that Canadian kid who killed half a dozen people earlier this year. Seemed to have made preparations to rough it out in the woods to hide from the cops for ages, had supplies etc... ended up surrendering to the cops a day later in someone's yard. Hopefully this guy gives up as easily...
  9. mr_cellotape

    Siege in Martin Place, Sydney An open letter from this jihadist arseclown to Tony Abbott a year ago. Just a little bit of foreshadowing towards the end...
  10. mr_cellotape

    Siege in Martin Place, Sydney

    Thanks for this, hadn't heard that word before. Weirder and weirder...
  11. mr_cellotape

    Siege in Martin Place, Sydney

    A non-paywall link for those who haven't seen it:
  12. mr_cellotape

    Siege in Martin Place, Sydney

    So I guess the next obvious question is, why the hell is an Iranian supposedly supporting ISIS?
  13. mr_cellotape

    Siege in Martin Place, Sydney

    I would but I'm not sure what the mods might think about that (considering it may not be 100% confirmed; just what's being reported plus some deduction based on old news articles)...
  14. mr_cellotape

    Siege in Martin Place, Sydney

    So it looks like we have this nutter's identity, finally. Nothing particularly surprising about it.
  15. mr_cellotape

    Siege in Martin Place, Sydney

    Maybe it's overly cynical, but this stuff sells papers and gets web clicks, simple. Those lone murderer stories don't get much play unless there's some angle that can be taken, whereas these and the fear they perpetrate keep the bucks flowing in for the media types.
  16. mr_cellotape

    Siege in Martin Place, Sydney

    Riiight. You're one of those people who wonder why cops "didn't just shoot him in the leg" after killing an armed and dangerous suspect, too, I take it? Real life ain't the movies, brah.
  17. mr_cellotape

    Siege in Martin Place, Sydney Things that make you go 'hmmm'...
  18. mr_cellotape

    Worst Song of 2014

    Wow. The average shitfaced karaoke singer is less cringe-inducing than this kid.
  19. mr_cellotape

    List Mgmt. We Got Him! Beams Trade Discussion (Not the Hype Thread)

    Cute. Because it's impossible that we did honestly care about Beams' situation whilst also not wanting to set a precedent of letting ourselves get screwed at the trade table, and alienating our current players by shopping them around. Our unwillingness to cave to the Pies' demands clearly...
  20. mr_cellotape

    Traded Dayne Beams and pick 67 traded for picks 5 and 25, and Jack Crisp

    They don't know what they want. On the one hand they want one of our quality players, on the other hand they say we don't have any quality players. They want a ready-made player instead of a draft pick, then suddenly 3 draft picks is a fair deal. Just smile, nod, and move on, the same way you...
  21. mr_cellotape

    Traded Dayne Beams and pick 67 traded for picks 5 and 25, and Jack Crisp

    Yup. Picked up a solid young player for fair value. Didn't get bent over the trade table trying to acquire a disgruntled young player from another club. Didn't alienate our current young players by shopping them around. A win all around for us.
  22. mr_cellotape

    Traded Dayne Beams and pick 67 traded for picks 5 and 25, and Jack Crisp

    Again with this talking point? Beams has apparently indicated that he wants to move back to Brisbane. It stands to reason that, knowing that, he would look into what it would take to obtain him. It also stands to reason that we wouldn't pay overs because our midfield isn't in terrible shape in...
  23. mr_cellotape

    Domestic Violence and AFL

    Clearly, the feminist movement is extremely powerful in this respect. But I don't see how sitting around waiting for the government to do something about men's issues, or incessantly complaining about female privledge is going to create any tangible change. I'm not here to uphold the views of...
  24. mr_cellotape

    Domestic Violence and AFL

    I hope you were careful to not construct that strawman with any matches or open flames in the vicinity. No where in this thread has any one stated that. As has been stated ad nauseum in this thread, the issue is context. Feel free to hold your MRA beliefs and promote them in a realm that is...
  25. mr_cellotape

    Guy McKenna sacked as Gold Coast coach

    Makes sense that would lead to a situation where most of them resent the coach. Can't just win based on talent; gotta have guys playing the underappreciated workman-type roles on a team, and getting a bunch of FIGJAMs to swallow their pride enough to do that would be borderline impossible...
  26. mr_cellotape

    Unpopular Musical Opinions

    'Overrated' is simply short-hand for 'I know a shitload of people like this, and I can understand why some people like it, but personally I think it's terrible'. 'Underrated' is simply short-hand for 'I really like this artist, and it's surprising to me that more people also don't like them...
  27. mr_cellotape

    Domestic Violence and AFL

    If you can't see how coming into this thread, shitting all over the OPs initiative, proceeding to breathlessly rant on a tangent about how horribly men are treated by society, and then acting surprised that people take umbrage at this, then you have the self-awareness of a toasted cheese sandwich.
  28. mr_cellotape

    Domestic Violence and AFL

    Exactly this. It's that kind of crap that elicited my mini-outburst earlier in the thread. If someone's reaction to a discussion topic is to retort with a petulant game of one-upping 'you think thats bad? What about this?!'-type nonsense, it's a clear sign that they don't have the necessary...
  29. mr_cellotape

    K Tippett

    Ouch, you really got him there. This somehow makes Fev's comment invalid hey?