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  1. PurpleEyes

    Mega Thread 2024 Media & Miscellaneous Thread

    While I think Hodge is a smart bloke, I get frustrated when these commentators make generalisations that simply aren't true. eg. “What you need to win finals these days is you need to kick over 100 points. Melbourne struggle to do that.” The fact is, in finals for 2021 onwards (picked those...
  2. PurpleEyes

    Mega Thread Non-Freo AFL Discussion 2024

    Apparently, the West is reporting that Harley tackled Wilson with such force, that Wilson deficated himself ... "Reid latched onto his jumper and brought him to the turd in a slinging motion. The back of Wilson’s head hit the turf in the tackle."
  3. PurpleEyes

    Mega Thread Non-Freo AFL Discussion 2024

    I had a laugh when I read one of them dismissing the tackle by stating Reid simply did a judo takedown that put Wilson on his back. ... I kinda think that might be the type of tackle the AFL would now prefer not to see ... hence the suspension.
  4. PurpleEyes

    Mega Thread Non-Freo AFL Discussion 2024

    I remember the not so distant days when I always had a 16 year old Lagavulin open and in the house for such reasons. Then the price (when on special) went from $90 to over $150 a bottle ... 'tis the world we live in.
  5. PurpleEyes

    Mega Thread Non-Freo AFL Discussion 2024

    I'm now curious what the Harley fanclub narratives will be, because I'm pretty sure it won't be Harley's fault in their eyes. So will they blame the tag and lack of support from the umpires. Or will they claim the sling tackle and suspensions for it being too harsh and making the modern game too...
  6. PurpleEyes

    Mega Thread Non-Freo AFL Discussion 2024

    At some point, the AFL are going to need to send a message to Harley to cut out the back chat to the umpires. The umpires have been giving him far too much leniency in this regard but it is surely starting to send a bad signal out there. I thought the umpires were supposed to be strong on...
  7. PurpleEyes

    Mega Thread Non-Freo AFL Discussion 2024

    Waterman Away games: Frees For: 1 Frees Against: 2 vs Home games: FF: 3 vs FA: 1 ... your rebuttal is actually further evidence supporting my claim. And 5 Contested Marks Away vs 18 at Perth Stadium.
  8. PurpleEyes

    Mega Thread Non-Freo AFL Discussion 2024

    I don't think it is just coincidence that Reid and Waterman are both staring at home games compared to their away performances. Reid averages about 15 disposals away and has kicked 1 goal from his 4 games vs 20 disposals and 6 goals at 5 home games. Waterman averages 2 goals a game more at...
  9. PurpleEyes

    Game Day Fremantle vs Sydney on a Friday night in Perth

    Sadly the stats before the game painted a picture that the Swans were going to hurt us with run and turnover scoring. 'posted below after last week ... don't be too harsh on Freo, we are still building and the Swans are the current benchmark of where we want to get to.
  10. PurpleEyes

    Review Purple Tiger Tamers - Freo beat Richmond by 54 points at the MCG

    Modern Freo game plan relies very heavily on our run (and likewise the running ability of the opposition). Hence, I now regularly look at the AFL tracker of Freo and our opposition to gauge our chances (we did a total of 264km vs Richmond's 258km). NB: our worst running performance this season...
  11. PurpleEyes

    Mega Thread Non-Freo AFL Discussion 2024

    And on one occasion when a Bombers player gave Reid a small push off the ball, Reid dived to the ground, resulting in the umpire giving the Bombers player a warning.
  12. PurpleEyes

    Game Day Rd 7 - Dogs @Optus

    Sharp 16.1km tonight ... Elite running, needed for JL's game plan.
  13. PurpleEyes

    Game Day Rd 7 - Dogs @Optus

    Freo total distance tonight 278km ... last week in the derby was 260km (+3km vs WB, -8km vs WC). For whatever reason/s ... we were flat last week.
  14. PurpleEyes

    Game Day Rd 7 - Dogs @Optus

    I have been at times, but smiling now. Banners goals aside, he did some other good hard running work tonight. A great game by him.
  15. PurpleEyes

    Game Day Rd 7 - Dogs @Optus

    Serong ... just a lazy 17 clearances for the game.
  16. PurpleEyes

    Game Day Rd 7 - Dogs @Optus

    You beauty. About time we can enjoy the final 1minute of a game.
  17. PurpleEyes

    Game Day Rd 7 - Dogs @Optus

    Banners. What a Champ. This is why he has the full support of every Freo supporter ... :)
  18. PurpleEyes

    Game Day Rd 7 - Dogs @Optus

    Bloomin turnovers killing us again. We can look like we are dominating a game and them keep the opposition in the game with a few silly turnovers.
  19. PurpleEyes

    Game Day Rd 7 - Dogs @Optus

    If Banners is kicking goals ... we're on boys.
  20. PurpleEyes

    Game Day Rd 7 - Dogs @Optus

    OMG ... what does Banfield have to do to buy a goal.
  21. PurpleEyes

    Game Day Rd 7 - Dogs @Optus

    I was very nervous before last weeks bouncedown, but feel good about this game. The Bulldogs made us look bad last year in Perth by smashing us in Contested footy and inside50s. Having Fyfe back in the middle will help us out there. And we have 4 inexperienced field umpies so we have a chance of...
  22. PurpleEyes

    Mega Thread Non-Freo AFL Discussion 2024

    What are people's thoughts about Reid having a rest week off to spend back at home in Vic? It seems most of the Eagles supporters/posters are trying to put a positive spin on it, but I can't say I would be happy. Perception is reality and this looks like preferential treatment of their young...
  23. PurpleEyes

    No Oppo Supporters Fremantle Do Not Contest A Game In Western Australia

    The AFL tracker stats had us averaging a total 276km in our first 5 games with a positive differential of about +3km more than our opposition (with a range of -3 to +15km vs our opponents). On Saturday night against West Coast, Freo had a total of 261km vs their 269km for a -8km differential...
  24. PurpleEyes

    No Oppo Supporters Fremantle Do Not Contest A Game In Western Australia

    I am not saying the umpiring was the only cause for Freo's loss. I have already given multiple other reasons for our loss (mostly our lack of run). But below is what I saw this morning when I rewatched the replay without being clouded by strong emotion and doom that overwhelmed me last night...
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