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  1. manutd/dogs

    Review Dogs down Blues 79-59

    Not a great game, but Bailey Smith take a *ing bow. Artie the Party sparked us up again! Great to win with Bont and English quiet, plus again we were challenged and we *ing rose above it. Have at it. p.s. FrEe kIcK BulDoGs!!11!
  2. manutd/dogs

    Review Dogs defeat Giants 86-71

    Brownlowpelli. English dominant. Daniel returning to form. Artie the *ing Party. Suffer in your jocks Greene you grub. That is all.
  3. manutd/dogs

    Review Dogs scrape home against Oranges 62-57

    What a shit sandwich of a win.
  4. manutd/dogs

    Autopsy Dogs defeat Dees 110-100 - Redemption

    I f*cking love this club.
  5. manutd/dogs

    Changes - Rd 23 vs Port

    In: Marra, Sweet, Gards Out: Young, Hannan, Cordy
  6. manutd/dogs

    Lupe Fiasco's 'The Cool'

    Has anyone checked out his new album? I bought it the other day and I'm officially blown away. I'm fairly fussy with rappers, but this guy is one of only a handful where I'd buy their albums. I love Kanye but this guy tops him. Has the flow of Biggie, the spark of Kanye, but the skill and a...
  7. manutd/dogs

    The Decemberists

    Does anyone else love this quirky and brilliant group? They are often described as hyper-literate indie rock. They're in my Top 5 and I've never seen much love for them around these parts, despite the good music taste of quite a few here...
  8. manutd/dogs

    Pyramid Rock 2007 Rumours?

    After seeing the first line-up announcement for Falls, I have decided on Pyramid this year. Went last NYE and had a ball so I'll be backing it up again. Anyone heard any rumours on the line-up? If forced to guess, I would be thinking along the lines of Wolfmother/Powderfinger headlining. Josh...
  9. manutd/dogs

    Need help on song name.

    What's the name of the REM song that starts that's the lyrics: "Ready to bury your father and your mother, how did you feel when you lost another?" Can't find it anywhere!
  10. manutd/dogs

    Stella Artois: Tastes different?

    Ever since CUB were allowed to brew the stuff here, it tastes like utter ******** when compared to the imported stuff. Has anyone else noticed the difference, and do they know where you can buy imported Stella in slabs?
  11. manutd/dogs

    Favourite Radiohead song?

    Self-explanitory really. It's just the answer that's the hard part... Here's my ever-changing top 5: (in no particular order, cause it's just too hard) High and Dry 2+2=5 Pyramid Song Street Spirit Fake Plastic Trees
  12. manutd/dogs

    Do bigger capacity CDs exist?

    I've just downloaded a file I wish to put on CD, but some thoughtless buffoon has made it too large to fit on a 700Mb CD. The file szie is 705 mb. I tried compressing it, so it says 698 mb (size on disk) but Nero and the Windows XP burner say it won't fit on the CD. So... are there bigger...
  13. manutd/dogs

    DVD Recorders..?

    Someone who seems fairly knowledgable about audio told me that DVD recorders won't play sound in 5.1. Is this true or not? The reason I ask is because I want to buy one with 80gig or more and store and play all my music (mainly MP3) on it. Can I do that? Cheers.
  14. manutd/dogs

    Looking For a Jamiroquai remix

    Hey all. Like the title says, I'm after an old mix of Cosmic Girl. It was on what I'm fairly sure was the Australian version of the Cosmic Girl single by the band. It had either 4 or 5 mixes of the song, including the radio edit. It was either the last or second last one. Am trying to find...
  15. manutd/dogs

    Recent CD Compilations

    Here's my latest: 78 Saab - Sunshine Jack Johnson - Taylor The Streets - Has It Come To This Placebo - Running Up That Hill The Strokes - 12:51 The Sleepy Jackson - This Day Coldplay - Such a Rush (Their best song) The Frames - Pavement Tune The Beautiful Girls - Music Oasis -...
  16. manutd/dogs

    Help needed with a song/artist.

    There's a song I keep hearing on the radio (JJJ) and I'm fairly sure the song is called 'Falling', and it's by an Aussie chick, a singer/songwriter. It's an acoustic guitar, soulful sounding kinda song, with a chorus that says something like "I bleed/breate for your love".... It's played on...
  17. manutd/dogs

    NYE/NYD Celebrations?

    Anyone going to one or more of Together, Belfast, Summerdayze and/or Sunshine People?
  18. manutd/dogs

    Favourite 'Finger Song?

    What's your favourite Powderfinger song?
  19. manutd/dogs

    Favouite Coldplay song.

    Seeming how they're almost as big as the boys from Manchester, what's your favourite Coldplay song/s? Mine is Such a Rush, followed closely by Trouble and Amsterdam. That said, their other 30 or so are also favourites of mine!
  20. manutd/dogs

    Is Ruud a cheat?

    Interesting article concerning Ruud on Soccernet: Ruud the Riot Act Richard Jolly Accused of stamping, branded a cheat and surrounded by over-exuberant Arsenal players, Sunday must have been among the least enjoyable days of Ruud van Nistelrooy's career. Previously regarded as...
  21. manutd/dogs

    Aussie hip hop song - help needed

    Does anyone here know the name of the Aussie hip hop song that's played on triple J now and again? the chorus goes: "wake up! this country needs a ****in' shake up!" It also talks about Captain Cook being the very first queue jumper!:D
  22. manutd/dogs

    NEWSFLASH - Kewell rejects Anfailed!

    apparently... Kewell says no to Reds can reveal that Australian winger Harry Kewell will not be signing for English premier league side Liverpool on Tuesday. A source close to...
  23. manutd/dogs

    Man. Utd line up for August

    This is, of course, entirely speculation, but I'm bored... ......................................Barthez........................................ G. Neville............O'Shea..............Ferdinand...............Silvestre...
  24. manutd/dogs

    Straight Swap

    All this hubub about Judd on the AFL board has got me thinking... If West Coast offered us Chris Judd for Nathan Brown would you, if in a position to decide, take it? I wouldn't.
  25. manutd/dogs

    'Ere we go!

    Scholes, Brown and Giggs all fit! The match is on BBC now if anyone wants to know.
  26. manutd/dogs

    Juve Flu Crisis! Five ruled out as flu hits Juventus MILAN, Feb 18 (Reuters) - Italian champions Juventus have been hit by an influenza bug before their Champions League match with Manchester United at Old Trafford on Wednesday with five players...
  27. manutd/dogs

    Manchester United vs Arsenal

    In the words of the evil earth-conquerer, Shang Tsung, it has begun...
  28. manutd/dogs

    Bulldogs Poll

    This poll was the Dogs' website and I thought it was quite interesting. Personally, I'm torn between accountability and hard-ball gets.
  29. manutd/dogs

    Unknown Oasis Song

    I have an MP3 version of an Oasis song called 'Into the Night' and I can't the official version anyware; it doesn't seem to be on any of their ep or lp releases, whether in the UK, US or Japan. Anyone know? Cheers.
  30. manutd/dogs

    The Diego Forlan Coranzo Appreciation Thread

    Just how good is this man? The mere football player I used to laughingly call 'Rover', due to his uncanny resemblance to a shaggy dog unsucessfully chasing a tennis ball, will now simply be referred to as 'the prodigy'. I am slowly sensing memories of 99/00, with the difference being that...