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  1. the_interloper

    Public Transport stories

    I think that’s only a Sydney thing, haven’t seen it in Melbourne anyway
  2. the_interloper

    Public Transport stories

  3. the_interloper

    Politics Violence against Nazis, acceptable?

    That would be a way better thing to say than "punch a Nazi", like I said earlier it's not like you can just walk up and punch a Nazi and post said video on SM for the likes, you'll cop it back no doubt.
  4. the_interloper

    Public Transport stories

    Yep and you don't know what they're carrying in their pocket either, you don't know if they've got mates at the next stop, a lot of variables.
  5. the_interloper

    Society & Culture Things in life you just don't understand - Part 5

    A bold teaching strategy that one, geez
  6. the_interloper

    Public Transport stories

    I always wonder about when/if to intervene if you see stuff like this on PT, particularly if a guy started getting violent towards a woman. Generally speaking I'm not one to get involved but yeah, I really don't know, I guess it depends a lot on different circumstances.
  7. the_interloper

    Things that sh*t me the seventeenth

    When I was in Grade 1 my teacher had written "reigns" on the board in reference to the things you hold when riding a horse. I suggested it wasn't correct, he didn't believe me, rather than check a dictionary he got me to go next door to check with that teacher. I feel she didn't like this bloke...
  8. the_interloper

    Podcast Joe Rogan - Tricked again!

    I got vaccinated and heard him say all of that. I think he was misguided because he was using his own experience with COVID to justify not getting vaccinated, ie a sample size of 1, not great rigour of course. Didn't bother me though.
  9. the_interloper

    Podcast Joe Rogan - Tricked again!

    Dana White is a great promoter and entrepreneur but I wouldn't say he's a good bloke. He's even said he'd never go into politics because they'd drag all the skeletons out of his closet, so who knows what he's been up to. His own mum reckons he "puts Tiger Woods to shame" if you know what she...
  10. the_interloper

    Podcast Joe Rogan - Tricked again!

    Yeah don't worry about those types. I'm probably an average Rogan listener, probably listen to about a quarter of his pods i reckon, mainly the fighter ones and the occasional other guest that interests me. These convos do bleed into political discussions often but whatever, doesn't really...
  11. the_interloper

    Strength Irritating people/things that annoy you in the gym III

    I sometimes did a Fri arvo class at my old gym and yeah no one there. Sunday night I have never exercised ha ha, I imagine that would be good for solo exercise.
  12. the_interloper

    Podcast Joe Rogan - Tricked again!

    A man that I love
  13. the_interloper

    Gym & Misc General Health and Fitness Thread

    Woah that's awesome. And yeah they aren't known as heavy hitters but very skillful as well and cardio machines, I'm sure it wasn't much fun but you would have learnt shitloads
  14. the_interloper

    Podcast Joe Rogan - Tricked again!

    Ok that made it a bit clearer and I agree, i think Chief was making a funny here. We got there in the end!
  15. the_interloper

    Podcast Joe Rogan - Tricked again!

    Rogan really has no idea on politics and the policies associated with each party, he just looks at politicians and goes "hey this bloke would be a good president" pretty much. And on the handshake with Trump, Rogan was at the commentary table doing his job and Trump walked over to shake his...
  16. the_interloper

    Podcast Joe Rogan - Tricked again!

  17. the_interloper

    Podcast Joe Rogan - Tricked again!

    You commented "wow" on a post, I was asking why you were surprised, that was all. You're really tough work to chat to on here sometimes just so you know.
  18. the_interloper

    Podcast Joe Rogan - Tricked again!

    Did you mean it to indicate surprise or some other sort of definition?
  19. the_interloper

    Politics Violence against Nazis, acceptable?

    Who has painted him as such? I kind of think it's an understandable response from Mr Nazi, I mean probably not what I would have done but I know some blokes who would probably do that. But Mr Nazi is also a campaigner too, like Engimal v3 said originally it's somewhat of a conundrum.
  20. the_interloper

    Podcast Joe Rogan - Tricked again!

    Yeah that's probably true enough. Seems he also insists on the interviewee coming to his studio too. I think it would be a funny chat but don't think we'll ever see it. Doesn't "wow" indicate suprise?
  21. the_interloper

    Podcast Joe Rogan - Tricked again!

    Why did this surprise you so much?
  22. the_interloper

    Podcast Joe Rogan - Tricked again!

    Bravo Trump and Rogan would be worth listening to, maybe chuck RFK Jr in for a laugh. Rogan has actually said Trump has tried to get on twice and he’s said no. One time he was Pres so Rogan would have had to go to the White House and he said no, the other time I think he was going to the studio...
  23. the_interloper

    Podcast Joe Rogan - Tricked again!

    Yeah but are you excited about Trump being on Rogan?
  24. the_interloper

    Unpopular Musical Opinions

    I often prefer live versions of songs as opposed to recorded for a few reasons: More energy, a crowd gets a lot more out of a performance Often bands might rush to finish a song in the studio, when they play it live 100 times it can change and IMO it ends up being how the song should have been...
  25. the_interloper

    Podcast Joe Rogan - Tricked again!

    You absolutely dominate this thread!
  26. the_interloper

    Politics Violence against Nazis, acceptable?

    A big strong juice head could overpower a smaller person with a bat, then they’re a juice head Nazi with a weapon!
  27. the_interloper

    Politics Violence against Nazis, acceptable?

    You didn’t answer my last question though! Nazis are potentially more damaging I suppose, hard to compare the two really. Definitely the meaty thigh!
  28. the_interloper

    Politics Violence against Nazis, acceptable?

    Not as worried as you, I don’t support them though of course. If I ate myself would I weigh nothing or twice as much?
  29. the_interloper

    Politics Violence against Nazis, acceptable?

    Do you think I'd like to openly support Nazism but know I can't because of how it would look?