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  1. FireKrakouer

    USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

    Sweet jesus, her bloodthirst is unquenchable. Fracking and shooting strangers and dropping bombs on kids in palestine, a real RWNJ is our Harris. Also, lol at the new accent she's rolling with this week.
  2. FireKrakouer

    USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

    ...few consistently claim they do) I have never reported a single post on BF (despite a few toxic folk accusing me of doing so) Like their role model* Kamala, they insist on engaging in dishonesty in an age where truth is more important than ever. * By "role model" I mean someone that they...
  3. FireKrakouer

    USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

    False. There's plenty of anti-Trumper's who still go outside occasionally and haven't traded in their sense of humour for permanent toxic rage... still engage in a few lulz with the boys n whatnot, haven't succumbed to the level of partisan division that Vlad et al want us to have. Snickers-boi...
  4. FireKrakouer

    USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

    According to jatz14 a page or two back, criticisms of a person of colour are racist by default. Before we know it someone will be suggesting he has bluetooth earings or other such slurs. Please be more careful in future, we must all do our part to prevent bigotry! ❤️
  5. FireKrakouer

    USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

    The amount of PMs I've had thanking me for the endorsement post, it's actually wild. People come up to me with tears in their eyes saying "Krakz, m8, I'm so grateful that an intellectual like you crunched all the numbers and figured out with certainty the objectively correct opinion". Many of...
  6. FireKrakouer

    USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

    Happy endorsement day! Clears throat Over the past eight years, my political views have shifted from right-wing to left-wing due to several key realizations. Initially, I believed in limited government, personal responsibility, and traditional values, shaped by my upbringing and media...
  7. FireKrakouer

    USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

    Who's she?
  8. FireKrakouer

    USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

    The state of this thread rn:
  9. FireKrakouer

    USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

    I daresay bourbons will find himself in this situation tonight - along with all regulars in this thread if I'm being honest.
  10. FireKrakouer

    USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

    Promoting BLM is an effort to help Trump? There's some wild mental gymnastics m8. Should everyone who is against Trump now boycott BLM? How about the Women's March, which was also promoted by the IRA? I guess being a feminist now means being a Trump supporter. Alternatively, accept that you...
  11. FireKrakouer

    USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

    False. The established facts are that they play both sides because they want division m8. Were they trying to help Trump by running some of the biggest BLM groups on social media? Don't let them divide us!
  12. FireKrakouer

    USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

    Already did m8, the governor's office referencing what they'd been told by law enforcement - which you dismissed because said governor a dirty republican! It could have been staged to benefit team Trump. I'd argue the difference there is that the perp risked death/prison with what he did and is...
  13. FireKrakouer

    USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

    When the news about the threats dropped everyone here was convinced, without evidence, that the perpetrators must be MAGA folks. I used logic to look at potential motives and who stands to benefit and made an accurate prediction. This was mocked, with someone even ironically hitting me with "but...
  14. FireKrakouer

    USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

    The amount of laugh reacts I got when I accurately predicted this to be the case 😂 Chin up guys, I forgive you all. Few can perceive the issues as clearly as the great FK... it's a skill that can't be taught!
  15. FireKrakouer

    NWO/Illuminati US politics - Pt 3

    "She pushes policies that boost good jobs nationwide by embracing technology and clean energy." Laughable - the tech bros have wisely chosen team MAGA. The guy running the e-car company that is as big as the rest of the auto industry combined would like to have a word - not to mention his...
  16. FireKrakouer

    NWO/Illuminati US politics - Pt 3

    Check out an extended clip of this JD interview - his next comment established what he meant and it wasn't fabricating a fake story. Lol @ the amount of people fooled by twitter soundbytes taken out of context. I expect this from the SRP hoarde, they need their hourly outrage injection...
  17. FireKrakouer

    USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

    Friendly reminder: just 3 more sleeps until FK's endorsement is announced.
  18. FireKrakouer

    USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

    The CIA after the second assassination attempt fails:
  19. FireKrakouer

    NWO/Illuminati US politics - Pt 3

    Try talking to someone who lives in a community effected by illegal immigration m8. As Dave Chappelle said, "Twitter isn't a real place". The wealthy boomers want you to keep shrieking "racist nazi" because mass migration boosts the values of their property portfolio and provides them with...
  20. FireKrakouer

    NWO/Illuminati US politics - Pt 3

    Good god I wish I did not open that article. We need to bring back public hangings for people like that guy and the guy that poured coffee on the baby.
  21. FireKrakouer

    USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

    Another swing-and-a-miss by the deep state... the mkultra drugs just don't hit like they did back in 1963 - get it together boys! I'm kidding. Kinda.
  22. FireKrakouer

    NWO/Illuminati US politics - Pt 3

    An important observation there, ET. Even the childless cat ladies will now refuse to support Kamala "Kat Eater" Harris. Thank god there is one candidate who cares about the pets!
  23. FireKrakouer

    USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

    You can't just go lumping every conspiracy theorist in together m8, I've never suggested that the J6ers were cops or antifa. It's a bit different when it's an anonymous bomb threat that could've been done by anyone from anywhere. As they say at Mensa... after any event, it's logical to look at...
  24. FireKrakouer

    USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

    It's clearly related but you gotta look at who stands to benefit from it m8. Clearly not team Trump. Could've been someone who wanted to hurt his campaign, could've been foreign agitators like Russia (along with their pro-Trump stuff they also ran social media pages organising BLM and Women's...
  25. FireKrakouer

    USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

    A friendly reminder to all my beautiful friends here that allowing the twitter algorithm to dictate your world view is far from ideal. I won't single anyone out but many here have shared tweets that are false or misleading and it is all of our responsibility to minimise the spread of...
  26. FireKrakouer

    USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

    Endorsement update: My team and I are confident we will have reached a decision by COB this coming Friday 20/09. I hate that I will be taking the spotlight away from the prelims but the sooner I make this announcement the better.
  27. FireKrakouer

    USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

    The whole "actual wars" term is doing a lot of heavy lifting here. I guess Syria didn't have a war, and the Libyan coup didn't happen and wasn't openly bragged about by Obama's secretary of state!
  28. FireKrakouer

    USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

    The answer is: what she is currently doing. She is effectively POTUS right now so expect no change in the current pro-war approach.
  29. FireKrakouer

    USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

    I must say that as an undecided voter endorser, this very genuine and real video has had some sway on me. It surely gets him a lil support from the cat-lady demographic? IIRC he did sign a bill in 2019 that made animal cruelty a federal felony.