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  1. DemurePrincess

    Werewolf Tag List - Updated August 2022

    Don’t take it too seriously 😘
  2. DemurePrincess

    Werewolf Tag List - Updated August 2022

    And if you want off - also ask Thanks BEaston
  3. DemurePrincess

    Werewolf Gralin's because somebody had to WereWolf - N4 ends 9:30am AEST

    Or do you want a gold star?
  4. DemurePrincess

    Werewolf Gralin's because somebody had to WereWolf - N4 ends 9:30am AEST

    SOO time peeps! I’ll be back at deadline 🙌🏻🙌🏻
  5. DemurePrincess

    Werewolf Gralin's because somebody had to WereWolf - N4 ends 9:30am AEST

    I like the pretty colours
  6. DemurePrincess

    Werewolf Gralin's because somebody had to WereWolf - N4 ends 9:30am AEST

    Refresh your memory.. we can have a sing off after the lynch tonight 😉
  7. DemurePrincess

    Werewolf Gralin's because somebody had to WereWolf - N4 ends 9:30am AEST

    I’ll drop this here for you then… let me know if you want the lyrics too 😘😘
  8. DemurePrincess

    Werewolf Gralin's because somebody had to WereWolf - N4 ends 9:30am AEST

    High on a hill was a lonely goatherd, layee odl, layee odl layee-oo!!
  9. DemurePrincess

    Werewolf Gralin's because somebody had to WereWolf - N4 ends 9:30am AEST

    Don’t make me sing that to you 😂
  10. DemurePrincess

    Werewolf Gralin's because somebody had to WereWolf - N4 ends 9:30am AEST

    Rack em up fella 😂
  11. DemurePrincess

    Werewolf Gralin's because somebody had to WereWolf - N4 ends 9:30am AEST

    I’ll take your drugs Pammy. It’s all G
  12. DemurePrincess

    Werewolf Gralin's because somebody had to WereWolf - N4 ends 9:30am AEST

    Umm! Think of the goats That’s a compliment and a half Pamster! 🤣
  13. DemurePrincess

    Werewolf Gralin's because somebody had to WereWolf - N4 ends 9:30am AEST

    Need help.. let me get Gralin for you
  14. DemurePrincess

    Werewolf Gralin's because somebody had to WereWolf - N4 ends 9:30am AEST

    Definitely DM whoever the **** that is
  15. DemurePrincess

    Werewolf Gralin's because somebody had to WereWolf - N4 ends 9:30am AEST

    Bloody hell! I can’t cope with all the chatting while I’m at work… I shall pop a wee vote on @Pamcake1 for now thanks Gralin
  16. DemurePrincess

    Werewolf Gralin's because somebody had to WereWolf - N4 ends 9:30am AEST

    Gosh! I’m a little busy today…don’t really have the time to get stuck into it until this afternoon but good to see I’ve got some votes coming my way! 🙄 Where is the sense of loyalty little village people???
  17. DemurePrincess

    Werewolf Gralin's because somebody had to WereWolf - N4 ends 9:30am AEST

    Awwww man! Not another villager. Shit! 🤦‍♀️
  18. DemurePrincess

    Werewolf Gralin's because somebody had to WereWolf - N4 ends 9:30am AEST

    Morning Horsey!! Mod kill incoming!!! 🤷🏼‍♀️
  19. DemurePrincess

    Discussion The Random Discussion Thread

    That makes more sense than whatever he said lol
  20. DemurePrincess

    Event The Sweet Olympic Games II

    Mrs Turbo … I’ve been practicing this arvo BUT I really need to improve my shtick! Let’s go OOB’s! 🔥🔥🔥 Thanks for nominating me! I’ll do us proud! Or embarrass us trying! 🤷🏼‍♀️
  21. DemurePrincess

    Event The Sweet Olympic Games II

    4 legs! 4 rows! You should double for 2 people don’t ya think horsey!!
  22. DemurePrincess

    Event The Sweet Olympic Games II

    Oh my ****! Your legs look like Xmas ****ing hams? Where’s the glaze? 😂
  23. DemurePrincess

    Event The Sweet Olympic Games II

    I am IN! Footypie32
  24. DemurePrincess

    Discussion The Random Discussion Thread

    And you tried to explain…..bless🫶🏻
  25. DemurePrincess

    Discussion The Random Discussion Thread

    I’m too stoned to get that! 🤷🏼‍♀️
  26. DemurePrincess

    Werewolf Gralin's because somebody had to WereWolf - N4 ends 9:30am AEST

    GUH Gralin 👍🏻
  27. DemurePrincess

    Event The Sweet Olympic Games II

    You should be right at home babes 😉
  28. DemurePrincess

    Event The Sweet Olympic Games II

    This is pretty 🤩