Recent content by sirlothie

  1. sirlothie

    Training 2024 training updates.

    Hi, was wondering if someone could help me. Are Collingwood training at home on Monday at 9am?
  2. sirlothie

    Mega Thread The Welcome Thread - If you're new (or old) to BigFooty introduce yourself here

    Hello, some may remember me here but it's been a long time (16 year member I'm told, Jesus...) but I've just come back to bask in the glorious Premiership afterglow and hopefully I don't get into any fights haha. Go Pies.
  3. sirlothie

    Game Day AFL Round 7 - Matchday Discussion Geelong@Collingwood(Optus Stadium- 8:10PM EST)

    I like how he still hung on to the #jesuisfrankston after all this time. Loyal and witty as they come.
  4. sirlothie

    All about Trump

    Afraid of being gassed by a deadly situation,?
  5. sirlothie

    All about Trump

    Nah his position is stable. Trump's isn't.
  6. sirlothie

    Game Day AFL Round 7 - Matchday Discussion Geelong@Collingwood(Optus Stadium- 8:10PM EST)

    Moon on the radar at 6pm but disappearing? Rain hail or shine who cares there's a game of footy to be played.
  7. sirlothie

    Game Day AFL Round 7 - Matchday Discussion Geelong@Collingwood(Optus Stadium- 8:10PM EST)

    Are there any 100% accurate goal kickers in history? Ease up.
  8. sirlothie

    Game Day AFL Round 7 - Matchday Discussion Geelong@Collingwood(Optus Stadium- 8:10PM EST)

    Agree. The track is soft like the MCG by the look of it despite the warmer climate looks the softest deck in the league which encourages.
  9. sirlothie

    Game Day AFL Round 7 - Matchday Discussion Geelong@Collingwood(Optus Stadium- 8:10PM EST)

    Handball link chains run through the middle would be nice to see again.
  10. sirlothie

    Game Day AFL Round 7 - Matchday Discussion Geelong@Collingwood(Optus Stadium- 8:10PM EST)

    Expect the boys to come out breathing fire.
  11. sirlothie

    Opinion Tradedraft's Thoughts

    Go out but go somewhere quiet. Fresh air and scenery is important.
  12. sirlothie

    Preview Changes & Pre-match Discussion - Round 7 vs. Geelong - Optus Stadium (WA), 8:10pm Thur 16/07

    Suffered a dramatic decline later in his career too but saved by the media.
  13. sirlothie

    Preview Changes & Pre-match Discussion - Round 7 vs. Geelong - Optus Stadium (WA), 8:10pm Thur 16/07

    Can't figure out Thomas, 2018 having blinders kicking 4 then other weeks hardly sighted. Too much of a gap between performances. But he's got personality.
  14. sirlothie

    Preview Changes & Pre-match Discussion - Round 7 vs. Geelong - Optus Stadium (WA), 8:10pm Thur 16/07

    Reminds me of Dusty, no-one has found a counter to the stiff arm. I would hang back just out of arm's reach, no purchase then go the hips like a wrecking ball it would come loose the old don't argue is just so effective.
  15. sirlothie

    Preview Changes & Pre-match Discussion - Round 7 vs. Geelong - Optus Stadium (WA), 8:10pm Thur 16/07

    Schaz almost plays too nice, shove the mark in the chest he should to get that little bit of space you need to open up your kicking range.