Recent content by perplexed

  1. perplexed

    NO TROLLS Hawthorn Racism Review - Sensitive issues discussed. Part 3

    Clarko and Fagan were both once teachers. Hope this helps.
  2. perplexed

    List Mgmt. 2024 Trade & List Management Thread

    He can look a million dollars then go missing for weeks. Corr dominated him. His brother looks much better.
  3. perplexed

    NO TROLLS Hawthorn Racism Review - Sensitive issues discussed. Part 3

    What did they do to clean up their mess? They passed it off to others, making it someone else's problem then sat on their hands. Have they even apologised to everyone yet for the damage they have caused?
  4. perplexed

    NO TROLLS Hawthorn Racism Review - Sensitive issues discussed. Part 3

    They had to pass to document to the AFL. They didn't have to then step back while others dealt with the damage they had caused. The one thing both the players and the coaches can agree on is how badly Hawthorn have treated everyone. As far as I can tell they have done stuff all to clean up...
  5. perplexed

    NO TROLLS Hawthorn Racism Review - Sensitive issues discussed. Part 3

    A 'rule' they were very happy to hide behind, no doubt on the best legal and pr advice.
  6. perplexed

    NO TROLLS Hawthorn Racism Review - Sensitive issues discussed. Part 3

    Hawthorn's agenda, from what I can make out, was just to make up with Cyril. They hoped commissioning their report would go some way to doing that. Unfortunately the report they commissioned was a shambles of a document and also uncovered stuff they weren't able to and didn't want to deal...
  7. perplexed

    Player Watch #29: Will Phillips

    Is his potential upside really that great? I think this perception is based on his draft position rather than anything he has shown at North. Is there a regular player in a top team whose role he could play, or aspire to? Pure inside mids aren't that common anymore, and they are either bulls...
  8. perplexed

    NO TROLLS Hawthorn Racism Review - Sensitive issues discussed. Part 3

    It was sloppy from the ABC. Jackson's article shouldn't have been published, at least not in the way it was. But so much of this story is a result of people with agendas happily screwing over those central to it - the affected players and the coaches. Firstly Hawthorn, then Egan, then...
  9. perplexed

    Player Watch #29: Will Phillips

    Possibly true. Ideally we'd push him back to the rookie list, but he may well get poached. However, would he want to sign a one year contract with us anyway? Every chance he says he wants to try elsewhere and we wish him all the best for a token pick.
  10. perplexed

    NO TROLLS Hawthorn Racism Review - Sensitive issues discussed. Part 3

    All a bit weird. They seem to think that they know a lot more about this than we do, but aren't really saying what they know or how they know it. I don't understand either who would be taking it to Federal Court or why Matthews thinks this a good idea. This seems to be the worst possible...
  11. perplexed

    Player Watch #29: Will Phillips

    But he still isn't fit enough, this is basic requirement. Every year we see first year players outrunning our players, surely they notice this. Will has good skills, but he is small and timid. If he is going to make it he has to be fitter than his opponents and play with greater intensity, at...
  12. perplexed

    Player Watch #29: Will Phillips

    I called one of our players a lazy prick, he isn't alone there, we have several. It is kind of why we are struggling at the moment.
  13. perplexed

    Player Watch #29: Will Phillips

    What would it be if it isn't an opinion?
  14. perplexed

    Player Watch #29: Will Phillips

    Good on ya. I was giving my opinion, I wasn't debating, though I am happy too. If Will is something other than a lazy prick, why isn't he fit enough to play after all this time and effort from the club?
  15. perplexed

    Player Watch #29: Will Phillips

    Seriously! Come on. Will has had years at the club and still miles off AFL level fitness. If that isn't laziness, what is it? The glandular fever stuff is long ago.