Recent content by paulige

  1. paulige

    Religion The Bible: Literal, figurative, bulldust?

    Fair enough - I thought your use of “it then becomes personal” was referring to your self. Though to be fair, on this page alone, you have referred to someone as a “serial nothing poster” with a “hopelessly stupid argument” - might just be my view, but I feel some level of provocation.
  2. paulige

    Religion The Bible: Literal, figurative, bulldust?

    Don’t allow it to. "If someone succeeds in provoking you, realise that your mind is complicit in the provocation." - Epictetus The Einstein quote has come up already in this thread - I don’t disagree with it.
  3. paulige

    Religion The Bible: Literal, figurative, bulldust?

    I can’t speak for them, but I consider that they’re trying to describe something they simply don’t have the language to describe. They just use whatever words or metaphors are available to them. In which case, you can’t blame them - allowing any frustration will only disturb your own peace...
  4. paulige

    Religion The Bible: Literal, figurative, bulldust?

    You’ll find no argument to any of that here. As I said, for mine, it’s just a metaphor - we make of it what we choose. Also, you can be as irrelevant as you want, don’t throw me in the same basket, though… 😜 “All language is but a poor translation.” - Franz Kafka
  5. paulige

    Religion The Bible: Literal, figurative, bulldust?

    The grasshopper could be standing in the very footprints of something greater than itself (man, if you like) and be none the wiser, until it looks at things from, seemingly, impossibly further back. That’s what I got from it, anyway - I haven’t read anything else from him.
  6. paulige

    Religion The Bible: Literal, figurative, bulldust?

    It’s a metaphor - can you draw any meaning from it?
  7. paulige

    Religion The Bible: Literal, figurative, bulldust?

  8. paulige

    Domestic violence

    Sorry, I left out the context, I was responding specifically to this suggestion from page 1 (which then got debated for a page or two):
  9. paulige

    Religion The Bible: Literal, figurative, bulldust?

    You don’t need to - it sounds like you’ve got everything you need from the philosophical perspective alone. I think for some people they can - for me, viewing the religious and supernatural elements in a metaphorical light, they make far more sense than any literal interpretations, which...
  10. paulige

    Domestic violence

    No idea if you resolved this in the next 4 pages, but you’re definitely not alone on this one. “All men need to reduce their violence” misses the mark twice for mine. The first being the targeting at all men, and the second being that it isn’t explicit enough about what we actually want to...
  11. paulige

    Religion The Bible: Literal, figurative, bulldust?

    I interpreted the initial mention of “purpose” a few comments back to be in a philosophical sense, whereas I think you’re coming from a scientific perspective (one I agree with; survival of the species, effectively).
  12. paulige

    Religion The Bible: Literal, figurative, bulldust?

    I suppose I consider it unknowable - as I cannot definitively state there is no purpose, it is logical that there might be a purpose. As for what the purpose may be, for there being a purpose, I’m also not sure. Or perhaps I am being purposefully non-committal I said purpose so many times...
  13. paulige

    Religion The Bible: Literal, figurative, bulldust?

    We are in agreement. There might be a purpose, and there might not be.
  14. paulige

    Religion The Bible: Literal, figurative, bulldust?

    Would you agree that the bolded is an opinion? And if so, that opinions are not necessarily true?
  15. paulige

    Religion The Bible: Literal, figurative, bulldust?

    I don’t need to - we all have all we need to develop our worldview. By the definition of theist, I’m definitely not a theist. Which I guess makes me an atheist. Sort of. Honestly I’m not a big fan of the back and forth style on here (or the “poking holes” as you put it), because no one is...